
Last Updated: September 27, 2012  8,286 views

Internet Connection using AirTel GPRS

in: Internet,Technology

airtel.pngThese day, after completing my graduation from MANIT Bhopal, I am in Muzaffarpur, my home town. Internet Connection in this small town is a big thing. Thanks to AirTel GPRS and my Motorola cellphone, now I have internet connection. Internet connection using AirTel GPRS is almost free, just you have to pay 250 per month in the form of talktime. There is unlimited internet access and unlimited download in this plan. So you don’t have to worry about your time limits while accessing the internet. The installation is very simple, just you have to follow 4-5 steps.
I am giving the process of installation of internet using AirTel GPRS.

Requirements :: A pc or labtop, a cell-phone with GPRS facility, a data cable to connect the cell-phone to labtop or pc if your cell-phone has bluetooth or infra-red facility then you don’t need datacable.

  • First of all you have to call customer care (121) to activate your GPRS. It may take 2 or 3 days.
  • After your connection is activated they send you some settings as per as your mobile phone, you have to enable those settings.
  • Now install the driver of the data cable and connect your cell-phone to the pc or labtop.
  • Just in the driver software you will get the internet settings options, enable those options and double click to start. you will have Connecting Device : Your mobile’s modem ISP Name : Airtel (or anything you like)Phone Number : *99***2# Username and Password : blank
  • Connect to the dial-up account. You will be connected at 115.2 kbps (However it never happens).

Now you can access internet connection in your pc or laptop for a minimal amount. However the biggest problem with this connection is its slow speed. But this generally happens with any wireless connection. Also, the connectivity depends upon the AirTel Signal in your area.

New Updates On AirTel GPRS ::

Mobile Office settings:

To get mobile office settings, sms MO to 543210. You will receive a installation message from Airtel to install Airtel GPRS settings. Airtel offers following GPRS plans via mobile office:

– 3 Days pack for Rs.10

– 7 Days pack for Rs.25

– Airtel Zero Rental Pack

– Monthly Unlimited Pack at Rs.98

– Daily Pack at Rs.3

– 15 Days Pack at Rs.46

Just dial *567# and you will find all options.

Airtel Live settings:

To get Airtel Live settings, sms Live to 56465 or sms FUN to 54321. Airtel will send Airtel Live settings. Install them on your mobile.

  • 1

    GPRS connection gives very low downloading speed, is there any way to increase that speed.

    Nishant on June 16th, 2007
  • 2

    pelse send the prcedure to connect the internet from hand set SAMSUNG SGHX520.
    Plese send the details to the mail that is narendark@rediffmail.com.

    narendar on June 18th, 2007
  • 3

    Hey narendar procedure for connecting internet samsung sghx520 may be quite similar to the process I described in the article. First you should active gprs in your mobile and try to browse internet in your mobile browser. If it happens properly, then bring a data cable for SGHX 520 samsung. You can get data cable from any good mobile shop. With data cable you will a CD of its driver software. Install that software and when you run that software you get an option for internet connection. Here you have to create an internet connection for AirTeL GPRS. The process is simple, So try if you find any problem just make a comment here. I will try to send you more details…

    abhishek on June 20th, 2007
  • 4

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email deepakchas@gmail.com

    Deepak Kumar on June 23rd, 2007
  • 5

    I hv activated gprs on my phn nd can access internet through it but i dnt know how to connect my cell with pc nd access intrnet through it. Can somebody help me out. My cell is sony ericcson w550i nd my email id is- tanush.singh@gmail.com

    Tanush on June 24th, 2007
  • 6

    Hi Tanush,

    now your need only a data cable to connect your mobile phone to computer. Go to any good mobile shop in your city and ask data cable for sony ericcson w550i. just install the driver software and follows the instructions..

    On any problem please don’t hesitate to drop down comment…..


    enjoy internet with GPRS..

    One more thing install opera .. it will work better with Airtel GPRS..

    abhishek on June 24th, 2007
  • 7

    Hi Deepak

    I am also irritated with slow connection due to my Airtel GPRS. But still I am in search of a solution.. By the way, you can use opera for better browsing… try it the do leave a comment here. Thanks ..


    abhishek on June 24th, 2007
  • 8

    nothing doing with airtel gprs speed

    sunil on June 25th, 2007
  • 9

    How you can say that, I run my 3 sites with the internet connection through AirTel GPRS…

    abhishek on June 25th, 2007
  • 10

    hey Abhishek..

    I went through all above steps mentioned by you…but still am not able to connect to internet thru pc.

    However mobile connection application is displaying that i am connected…also my gprs connection is working fine…

    what can be the problem…please suggest some soln..


    sarfraj on June 28th, 2007
  • 11

    If the internet is working fine in mobile then it should also work in the pc or labtop. Do one thing switch off your phone and then restart… this may work. otherwise see the options in the driver software… for the internet connection by the way which mobile phone you use.. ??

    abhishek on June 28th, 2007
  • 12

    Hi, I have activated vGPRS on My NOKIA 1600, is it possible to get internet by pc with cable, and tell how to do this. thanks plz send me mail

    Pranab on June 29th, 2007
  • 13

    i dont have a data cable with me
    can i connect to the internet through bluetooth if yes how

    bhavini on June 29th, 2007
  • 14

    i dont have the the mobile driver software with me as it is not compatible with th se p990i. any chances of a connection

    bhavini on June 29th, 2007
  • 15

    clarification for earlier post
    i use vista with which se p990i software is not compatible how can i connect airtel on my laptop thru bluetooth

    bhavini on June 29th, 2007
  • 16

    Hi bhavini,
    You can use bluetooth for connecting your mobile to pc. But this will decrease the efficiency of the system. So I will recommend datacable for good internet speed. You must have to install the driver in your pc. Without the driver your mobile will not connect to the computer. Regarding Vista, you may need updated p990i software for vista.

    abhishek on June 29th, 2007
  • 17

    I hv a Nokia 9300 mobile. can anybody help me by informing me how to connect to net with my laptop(vista) thru bluetooth. I hv tried many methods not working.Pl help me with proper instructions

    Venky on July 1st, 2007
  • 18

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! zfunszyfwnlnb

    mrhhgdrxed on July 3rd, 2007
  • 19

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! kipciqaqlnhuta

    fwcfexbxvm on July 3rd, 2007
  • 20

    i hav bought 250/- ul connection an my set is motorola c261 colour an gprs s der but unable to work…any body help!!
    my email:tony_isllb@yahoo.co.in

    tony on July 6th, 2007
  • 21

    i need an internet connection (unlimited download,128kbs,moderate cost) if any please suggest

    karthik on July 6th, 2007
  • 22

    How to enable GPRS in my mobile and how to access inter net in my mobile phone.

    Rigved on July 8th, 2007
  • 23

    i need procedure for modem settings …for airtel GPRS

    thambi on July 9th, 2007
  • 24

    i have nokia 6610 handset pls …give details for connecting procedure and modem settings(modem creation)…

    prabhakar on July 9th, 2007
  • 25

    I am trying to connect internet threw Airtel GPRS as par your instraction using Nokia 6085. I am using Nokia PC suite for coonecting but it is not working. Airtel live working fine on my mobile.
    Please help me to connect.


    DHARMANDER VERMA on July 10th, 2007
  • 26

    hi buddies i m using airtel net on phone frm last 11 months if any body wants help just email me at lagad_yogesh@yaho.co.in wel help u honestely (dont forget to send mobile description) by my xperice bye tc

    yogesh on July 10th, 2007
  • 27

    how can i access internet on my laptop through my mobile via bluetooth

    abhimanyu on July 11th, 2007
  • 28

    hi abi,
    i have a 7610 mobile with gprs connection, and have( net on phone )NOP its a feature in airtel, can i connect to computer and use internet… please guide me na………!!!!!!

    swathy on July 18th, 2007
  • 29

    Hi Swathy..

    Yeah you can browse internet on your computer through 7610 Nokia. Just you need a data cable to connect your mobile to pc and install the driver of the data cable. The driver software comes with the datacable. So install the software just follow simple instructions and you are through..

    abhishek on July 18th, 2007
  • 30

    hi abhi,
    last year i used airtel gprs free of cost on my cell n6600. But nowdays its not connecting for free…..
    i just wanna know that is it working nowdays free of cost and if yes then how and what kind of setting required for that………?
    And also can i use on laptop also…….?

    prashant nandanwar on September 17th, 2007
  • 31

    hi abhi,
    last year i used airtel gprs free of cost on my cell n6600. But nowdays its not connecting for free…..
    i just wanna know that is it working nowdays free of cost and if yes then how and what kind of setting required for that………?
    And also can i use on laptop also…….?
    You can reply me just here or on my email id prashant_n33@rediffmail.com

    prashant nandanwar on September 17th, 2007
  • 32

    Hello Abhishek,

    I have a motorola handset (i don’t remember the model number – but i guess you’d know if i say it’s the one in the ad that says “Beta tu kuch galat kaam to nahi kar rah..)It does not have a port for data cable – it has only the port for charging and earphones. Is it possible to connect the data cable to any of these ports? Moreover, can you let me know where do i get a data cable and its CD ROM from?

    Much thanks in advance,

    Bhairav on September 24th, 2007
  • 33

    It is not possible to connect your computer (internet/browsing purpose)if you are using NOP. Doesnt matter what handset you have.

    Jayaram on September 27th, 2007
  • 34

    hi i m having motorola L7 mobile n airtel SIM card in which i have yesterday put on a recharge of Rs 299 which has no talktime . so wats the download capacity n wat r the charges applied to it. n in which time can i use it n wat is the internet speed normally?

    nagaraj on September 27th, 2007
  • 35

    I have nokia 6010 ..have enabled GPRS on my cell too….and m able to access net on it too…however , I am not able to access net on my laptop…
    even airtel ppl have tried to help me with settings of connecting data cable ( with software in CD)…but still m not able to connect…
    i’ve tried connecting different data cables( DKU-5, CA-42 and even CA-55) on different laptops ..to check if thr’s some problem with my laptop / the data cables…
    however , m not able to get cause of problem ….

    i encounter the following problem while trying to setup the connection on my laptop:
    1. When everything is set up..and i click on “dial” button for airtel GPRS connection…it shows me an error message: error code 622 – the modem failed to respond. Please chk…..”
    2. when i again do all the settings ( reinstalling the modems and drivers and nokia pc suite s/w..and restarting my laptop..) and then click on “dial”…my laptop hangs..

    these two things occur alternatively…
    I am really bugged up because of this problem …
    can u help !

    Kirti Rana on September 28th, 2007
  • 36

    sorry Abhi…
    my handset is nokia 6070

    Kirti Rana on September 28th, 2007
  • 37

    Hi, I think your modem is not compatible.. but problem is quite strange.. I have seen many people using gprs with their 6070 model..

    You should reinstall the software.. and do all the proceedings one more time..

    abhishek on September 28th, 2007
  • 38

    wht to do to get a compatible modem for my handset 6070?

    Kirti Rana on September 29th, 2007
  • 39

    I am using motorola L-7 browsing with my PC.
    Already used BSNL broad band in net centre.Airtel Gprs should try to increase it’s speed.

    Selvin on September 30th, 2007
  • 40

    I have Nokia 2626. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? What would be the price for data cable ? Pl. advise

    Pratixa Patel/Paresh Patel on October 1st, 2007
  • 41

    hey abhishek….

    i wanted to know if ur twaek is still working on airtel or not as i tried ur way but it displays communication failure in the phone…i think the airtel people have changed their dialing numbers for the internet…..does anybody have the same problem as mine…pls help…..i am trying to connect the same way as abhishek kumar has but failed to connect to my laptop…..pls mail me at kalplala@yahoo.com

    Thanks in advance

    Edges on October 2nd, 2007
  • 42

    i have motorola l7 mobile,how can i acess airtel gprs on my pc having operating system windows vista ultimate.
    even i install my motorola usb modem driver successfully
    ,but message displays PPP link terminated

    plz tell me

    suraj bangale on October 2nd, 2007
  • 43

    Hi, i am useing airtel land line and i am getting error 720, is there anybody got this error and solved the problem please mail me, how u people solved it.


    raj on October 4th, 2007
  • 44

    Hi Friends! Having a internet connection in present days is nearly a need for all. When we think about a ISP (Internet Service Provider) Airtel looks to be cheaper (Rent varies from state to state, 300/- in Gujarat, 250/- in Madhya Pradesh, 500/- in Andhra Pradesh etc.), But once you start useing Airtel GPRS (In some states like Andhra Pradesh Airtel provides internet in the name of Airtel EDGE also, which makes only a difference in high rent but nothing else) you will get irritated and your PC may hang up.

    You call customer care, they will regret for the low speed. But they do not do any thing (broadly speaking they are not able to do any thing), because the bandwidth allotted by airtel is not proportional to the number of users.

    Of all the ISP’s BSNL broadband is the best in rate and speed, but available only in few locations, and it doesn’t seems that they will expand it to more coustomers, as it ir run by Government.

    The only other ISP which is available in many locations is Reliance, with very good speed even faster than Sify broadband (You will feel it if you really use it.) But it is also costlier, But can get it at lower cost if you go for freedom at night plan. Its 400/- per month and browsing and downloading is unlimited from 10PM to 6AM. But be cautious if you connect it in the day time your bill charges will touch the sky.

    KODALI SANTHU on October 4th, 2007
  • 45

    Hi Abhishek, If I activate Airtel GPRS on my phone (Nokia E61i) I can browse the net but some applications like fring and the SIP doesnt work untill Mobile office is activated. Is there a wor around for that. Your feedback will be highly apreciated.

    Aasim on October 7th, 2007
  • 46

    I have Nokia 6030. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at satyanshu.verma@gmail.com

    Satyanshu Verma on October 8th, 2007
  • 47

    Hi Abhi,
    I connect the airtel gprs yaar but problem is that it
    it is very slow. Have you heard about EDGE tecnolo
    gy.I heard that it increases the internet speed
    for dial up if u know anything about it
    Mail to bhushetty_sp@yahoo.co.in

    Siva Prasad on October 15th, 2007
  • 48

    i want nokia 2626 cable driver and how to install in to pc and which cable used to i connect intrnet by using nokia 2626 mobail please send me driver

    bharat on October 19th, 2007
  • 49

    My mobile is Nokia 6030. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at invite_well@hotmail.com

    KRISHNA on October 22nd, 2007
  • 50

    i m using airtel gprs connection on my pc but its very slow

    how to increase the speed of internet

    ajit on October 29th, 2007
  • 51

    i m using airtel gprs connection on my pc but its very slow

    how to increase the speed of internet

    send me on ajit007in@yahoo.com

    ajit on October 29th, 2007
  • 52

    my set LG 2050. connectin is very slow in my computer. please solv the sollution.

    Pradip Paul on October 30th, 2007
  • 53

    I hve Nokia 6060 Model Mobile I want to connect through gprs to My pc..I hve data cabel..Plz provide me the procedures How to Activate GPRS and How to activate the Net connection in my Pc wat all are the charges.I heard kii the whole day it costs 15Rs..


    Javeed on November 1st, 2007
  • 54

    i m using airtel gprs connection on my pc but its very slow

    how to increase the speed of internet

    send me on ajit007in@yahoo.com

    reply fast

    ajit on November 2nd, 2007
  • 55

    Hi ajit.

    In my opinion you should use opera browser for better browsing.. this may enhance your internet connectivity speed also..

    Abhishek Kumar on November 2nd, 2007
  • 56

    thank you!

    Prakash on November 15th, 2007
  • 57

    My mobile is Nokia 1600. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at

    Prakash on November 15th, 2007
  • 58

    I am trying to connect internet threw Airtel GPRS using Nokia 6030. I am using Nokia PC suite for coonecting but it is not working. Airtel live working fine on my mobile.
    Please help me to connect.


    Siva on November 18th, 2007
  • 59

    i have nokia 6030 can i use for internet purpose through data cable on my laptop?? please reply me soon

    neeta on November 18th, 2007
  • 60

    net sttings connection airtel

    mnaoj kumar on November 19th, 2007
  • 61

    Hey! any idea on Internet connection from PC to mobile via bluetooth or Nokia Data cable for Nokia E61i. (I don’t need info on WLAN!!).Anybody tried this?

    V DO Reverse Engineering on November 27th, 2007
  • 62

    How can i increse my GPRS speed with NOKIA-7610 because its downloading speed is too low actualiy its speed is 2/kb/sec

    Sunny on December 1st, 2007
  • 63

    I am trying to connect internet connection Airtel GPRS using sony ericson k310i. I trying to it sutarday.but airtel customer executive delay to me.please connect my connection.

    avijit on December 10th, 2007
  • 64

    From where can i download nokia 2626 modem Driver.. it is not detecting.. please show me compatable drivers….

    Pavan on December 13th, 2007
  • 65

    Will nokia 2626 model is compatable with browseing PC…? if any one useing please let me know… i want to search over the internet…..

    Paddy on December 13th, 2007
  • 66

    am using airtel prepaid connection i hv been using internet 2 months but i cant connet through pc , i can use with mobile from pc in error is ppp link terminated error code is 734
    plz reply this eror
    thznking u

    shiju on December 15th, 2007
  • 67

    hi frnds
    am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very very slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email

    sai on December 15th, 2007
  • 68

    am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email

    sai on December 15th, 2007
  • 69

    Dear friends,
    I am a regular user of Airtel Internet on my PC using Nokia mobiles. As I am using internet daily for regular browsing and continuous downloading of tons of software and I needed 24X7 internet connection, Airtel was werth at Rs. 99/Week.
    Regarding some querries on this site.
    NOKIA 6030-Doesnot have a Modem in it. Hence it can not be used for this purpose.(for browsing the Inet thru pc).
    Some body asking of Nokia 2626-This also does ot have a modem in it and cannot be used for this pupose.
    The EDGE compatible phones are:-
    NOKIA 7710
    NOKIA 7370
    NOKIA 7270
    NOKIA 7260
    NOKIA 6681
    NOKIA 6680
    NOKIA 6630
    NOKIA 6300
    NOKIA 6290
    NOKIA 6280
    NOKIA 6270
    NOKIA 6233
    NOKIA 6230I
    NOKIA 6230
    NOKIA 6151
    NOKIA 6136
    NOKIA 6131
    NOKIA 6125
    NOKIA 6111
    NOKIA 6110
    NOKIA 6103
    NOKIA 6101
    NOKIA 6086
    NOKIA 6085
    NOKIA 6080
    NOKIA 6070
    NOKIA 6021
    NOKIA 6020
    NOKIA 5700
    NOKIA 5500
    NOKIA 5140I
    NOKIA 5140
    NOKIA 5070
    NOKIA 3250
    NOKIA 3230
    NOKIA 3220
    N91, 90, 80 ,77, 73, 72, 70, 71
    E90, E70, 65, 61, 60, 50
    NOKIA 9500
    NOKIA 9300
    NOKIA 8800

    This list I got some days ago on Nokia website (search for EDGE compatible phones).
    If any other matters are there you can contact me on

    hgprashu@gmail.com, hgprashu@yahoo.com

    Prashanth Kumar Kaiga on December 20th, 2007
  • 70

    […] friends, now I have stopped using airtel gprs as I have finally got a BSNL broadband connection in my home at Bangalore. Broadband refers to a […]

    Now I have BSNL BroadBand connection–Abhishek Kumar on December 20th, 2007
  • 71

    Thanks prashanth for such a great list..

    Abhishek Kumar on December 20th, 2007
  • 72


    NITIN on December 21st, 2007
  • 73


    NITIN on December 21st, 2007
  • 74

    Hi i have nokia 6070.now i activate airtel GPRS on my mobile.. plz any one tell how to connect internet using nokia6070..

    as soon as possible ………


    DEV on December 23rd, 2007
  • 75

    i have nokia 1600 ………..can i get conneceted to internet as i have airtel connection through data cable……..
    please send me the solution i beg u……

    chandan on December 24th, 2007
  • 76

    No I don’t think so… nokia 1600 can’t be used for gprs internet connection..

    Abhishek Kumar on December 25th, 2007
  • 77


    I have C261 Motorola Mobile phone(same as you) I have activated my GPRS connection , but when I connect it to my Motorola
    phone and when I try to connect to internet it
    says that there is no dial tone or device is not connecting properly

    I have installed all the driver software from the
    CD but I could not find internet options as you

    What I should do?

    Ramanean on December 26th, 2007
  • 78

    hello sir

    please tell me supported sonyericsson phones

    for airtel gprs internet connectivity on pc or laptop

    kali on December 28th, 2007
  • 79

    dear sir
    i am from saharsa and presently living in patna and doing be(ece)from macet. i connected from lg kg195(airtelgprs). but i am dialling *99***1#. it works.but severl time it failed to connect.after registration on network. connection failed.and we received a massage, INTERNET EXPLORER COULD NOT OPEN THE SEARCH PAGE. i am able to conect only early morning and late night only.
    suggest plz..

    vijay on December 31st, 2007
  • 80

    i have Lg KG195 mobile.but i don’t know how to connect it PC.when i connectted via bluetooth while dialing the PC say’s Error734:ppp.what does it mean?. please give detail’s i you know.

    anand on January 1st, 2008
  • 81

    hey guys i have samsung e720 mobile i activated airtel gprs, i have bluetooth in my mobile as well as bluetooth in laptop hpdv6516tx that is windows vista primium. please help how to connect internet to laptop through the mobile i tried 1000 times , iam not able to connect pls help me some one

    soumya on January 3rd, 2008
  • 82


    Vijaya on January 3rd, 2008
  • 83

    hi friends
    im having motorola l7 and im not able to connect net through it to ma windows vista but im able to connect in xp.
    so plzz tell me how to connect in vista thrugh bluetooth..??
    plzz reply soon…

    aman on January 3rd, 2008
  • 84

    I have nokia 5610, it has gprs,edge.
    I don’t have airtel sim.
    Planning of buying it solely because it has free GPRS.
    Which sim shall i take for browsing.
    Please help in this matter.
    I have a laptop also.

    Vittal on January 4th, 2008
  • 85

    I need driver modem nokia 2626.

    FMK on January 6th, 2008
  • 86

    hai. i have nokia 1600. can i connectt
    internet in my pc with the phone ?
    How to act vgprs in my phone. i am using
    vodafone operator in tamil nad

    Siddharth on January 10th, 2008
  • 87

    hai. i have nokia 1600. can i connectt
    internet in my pc with the phone ?
    How to act vgprs in my phone. i am using
    vodafone operator in tamil nad.
    please email me to
    thanks guys

    Siddharth on January 10th, 2008
  • 88

    hai. i have nokia 1600. can i connectt
    internet in my pc with the phone ?
    How to act vgprs in my phone. i am using
    vodafone operator in tamil nad.
    please email me to
    thanks guys

    Siddharth on January 10th, 2008
  • 89

    i want free gprs setting on to my mobile,i using motrolal7…… my number:9789735660 activate on to this number

    prem chander on January 15th, 2008
  • 90

    airtel gprs is the best

    use firefox browser


    internet download manger

    techman on January 17th, 2008
  • 91

    hai i want to access airtel internet facility through sony ericcson k330i is it possible to connect

    lesley on January 18th, 2008
  • 92

    I m using GPRS of SMART.but the speed is too slow.How can I enhance my gprs speed.I have NOKIA 7610 handset.I use DATA CABLE for CONNECTIVITY.

    sandeep kumar on January 19th, 2008
  • 93

    Is there any PLAN for UNLIMITED download in BSNL broadband?Is the internet free on sudays on BSNL?

    sandeep kumar on January 19th, 2008
  • 94

    Yeah there is 900 Rupees per month plan in which you have unlimited broadband connectivity of 256 kbps. I am now using the same plan.

    Abhishek Kumar on January 19th, 2008
  • 95

    how can i use my NOKIA N72 for browsing internet on my PC using windows xp as a platform

    navin on January 19th, 2008
  • 96

    Can anyone tell about the SIP settings with Airtel connection???Thanks

    Jyothsna on January 21st, 2008
  • 97

    guys … one simple thing … get an edge enable handset … so checkout cell phones which have edge capabilities or class 10-12
    gprs features … if ur not sure then check out ur cell phone manufacturer website …
    ok so if u got edge phone then what u do is call the customer care n ask for ur internet settings n save it .
    next , use firefox with an addon called fasterfox – uh get tremendous browsing speed – trust me … n next if u want to download then use internet download manager – i get 20-25kbps average speed while dwnloadin
    if u want to use internet download manager with fasterfox then u need to install a plugin called flashgot
    … lastly opt for airtel …. cos i believe airtel has launched edge almost all over india cos i live in a place which is 10kms away from darjeeling (a small hill station)….
    yet i have edge vonnectivity … this means that airtel edge is available almost over india …. thats it …. vodafone customers , sorry i havent tried vodafone gprs but airtelgprs rocks wid 20-25kbps … i download movies everyday but it takes around 15hrs … with torrents givin 12-15kbps …. love airtel speed now

    drupad on January 21st, 2008
  • 98

    Thanks Drupad for such nice tips.

    Abhishek Kumar on January 23rd, 2008
  • 99

    hai. i have nokia 6030 with airtel GPRS connection / Datacable can i connectt
    internet in my pc with the phone ?
    kindly let us me know
    please email me to


    Raghunathan on January 25th, 2008
  • 100

    i have Lg KG195 mobile.but i don’t know how to connect it PC.when i WANT TO CONNECT IT BY USING A DATA CABLE AND I DO NOT HAVE A PC SUITE AND PROVIDE ME THE SITES TO DOWNLOAD THE PC SUITE FOR MY MODEL please give detail’s i

    MURALI on January 28th, 2008
  • 101

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email sunnyalwayscool@gmail.com

    sunny on January 29th, 2008
  • 102

    Hi Abhi

    will please explaine me if i having the 1 slots phone also having GPRS enable activation on sim complete settings. during the accessing the gprs can i get the incoming calls

    please loop me via mail nit.nitin@yahoo.com

    Nitin on February 1st, 2008
  • 103

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email, also tell how can I download at high speed if any software than send it to me or link.

    TEJ PRAKSH on February 3rd, 2008
  • 104

    hi abhisekh , actually i am using nokia 6085 cell . Through mobile internet is working but by the time of connecting to laptop iin mobile its showing that “suscribe paket data first”.i have tried all the methods but still its not working can you suggest me please.

    prasant on February 6th, 2008
  • 105

    I am using airtel gprs with sonyericson K750i in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email

    Naushad on February 6th, 2008
  • 106

    i have nokia 2626 and i have a USB cable also & software but my computer can not detect the phone so any body can help me & tell me a correct software

    DILDAR KHAN on February 7th, 2008
  • 107

    Use EDGE enabled mobile phones to get high speed internet access using GPRS connection

    Saurabh on February 8th, 2008
  • 108

    hey im using w550i i hav activated the gprs nd installed the drivers… but as i was connecting it doesnt get connected nd is askin me the phone no nd the user name nd password,,,…

    sheldon on February 11th, 2008
  • 109

    Please help me,
    i hve Nokia 6030.I bought DKU-5 cable nd i am able 2 connect my phone. I use MibiMB media browser for connecting. But i m unable to connect 2 internet. The Nokia PC Suite does not detect the cable. Which software shud i use or wht else can be done…..Thnks a lot in advance.Please mail me the solution….

    Armada on February 11th, 2008
  • 110

    u mentioned rs 99/- week. but actually its a 75/- rs.
    which one is true.

    smk on February 13th, 2008
  • 111

    want nokia 2626 cable driver and how to install in to pc and which cable used to i connect intrnet by using nokia 2626 mobail please send me driver

    Ajay on February 15th, 2008
  • 112

    hey Guys, if you have LG KG195, Here’s the usb and modem driver as well as PC Suite for you.


    Enjoy 🙂

    Waqas on February 22nd, 2008
  • 113

    I am using Samsung SGH-E210 mobile.i Have already activated my GPRS with Airtel Mobile Office but getting a Message :”PPP Link Error.. Protocol Terminated” while connecting with my computer with a bluetooth dial up. Please Suggest me with how to get rid of this problem…..Please email me at any of the following addresses :-
    somesh_chat@rediffmail.com or somesh_in@indiatimes.com

    Somesh Chatterjee on February 25th, 2008
  • 114

    there is no need of edge phone.
    im using nokia 6600 n i hv no problem in connectivity.
    Frns use bt dongle.

    parth on February 25th, 2008
  • 115

    Dear Sir,

    I have Nokia 6030 model with Airtel GPRS connection, I am also having data cable for above. I want to install this in my PC but my Installation CD got correpted. I want to download this software through mail.

    Please guide.



    Krishna on March 3rd, 2008
  • 116

    Dear friend murali,
    I have tell you a procedure for conecting lg kg195 to internet via bluetooth.
    First you have install the blue tooth software,
    then you insert a blue tooth tongle.
    then go to control panel.
    click the phone and modem options.then click the modem.
    then select the blue tooth dun modem.
    click properties,then click diagonistics,then clickquery modem.If response is success!
    the click advanced insert the following command
    after doing this you will click internet xplorer,

    SELVAM on March 8th, 2008
  • 117

    Hi everybody, can anyone tell me how to connect to internet on my pc using the LG KG195 phone. I have GPRS activated and am on hutch network/vodafone. could please somebody help me out. and one thing i installed everything in my pc ( i.e. pc suite, modem driver, but i cannot connect to internet) can anybody give me the instructions how to do this. thank you

    Daniel on March 15th, 2008
  • 118

    hi friends,

    i am using sony ericsson k320i & nokia 6600.I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email, also tell how can I download at high speed if any software than send it to me or link. pls help me

    arivoli on March 20th, 2008
  • 119

    I have Nokia 6030. I Cn’t connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at

    vivek sharma on April 4th, 2008
  • 120

    09931694199 is my airtel mobile no. i activate gprs for monthaly charge of 249/-.balance from my c/c is deducted and i am not using to access gprs even not in mobile and pc..i am using nokia 5300.when i cll to costemer care,they say, no any problem from here.but when i used other sim card in this mobile it acess easily.i have setting of mobile office….but problem is what?why it is not accessing?

    navneet kumar on April 7th, 2008
  • 121

    i want to gprs settings of ip address of airtel mobile office

    ravi on April 9th, 2008
  • 122

    hii there i m using a htc touch windows pocket pc with reliance smart gprs connection but i dont hv the complete settings for it. plz if any one has it plz mail it to suraj_darj82@yahoo.co.in. plzzzzzzzzzzz help

    santosh singh on April 13th, 2008
  • 123

    i want to know the process that how can i increase my gprs speed on my imate

    prateek on April 22nd, 2008
  • 124

    hi i want to know the speed in unlimited plan thru reliance dongle in maharashtra particularly in chandrapur area.please respond to satish_elr@rediffmail.com

    sathish sankar on April 23rd, 2008
  • 125

    Hi Friends,
    I am using Airtel GPRS I want to know that is it necessary to have modem in the mobile having GPRS to connect to PC for internet. Can any one help me?

    Hrishi on April 24th, 2008
  • 126

    mara pas spice s500 hai kya mujhai internat connect karnai kai liya koi software lana paraga jabki mari pass data cable hai.

    puneet sharma on May 2nd, 2008
  • 127


    VIVEK PRASAD on May 11th, 2008
  • 128

    I am using Vodafone unlimited connection in my N95. I connect to my pc using USB data cable. The speed as such is not great but my biggest problem is that when I am using internet, I can not receive calls. The caller hears “not available” message. Although I can make calls while on internet. The internet connection goes on hold during the time of call. Can any one please tell me if there is any way out so that I can receive calls while doing internet. If the internet goes on hold/gets disconnected, no problem.

    Chandan on May 12th, 2008
  • 129

    I have nokia 2626 cable driver and how to install in to pc and which cable used to i connect internet by using nokia 2626 mobile please send me modem driver

    Willy on May 13th, 2008
  • 130

    Hi Frnd,
    I am Chandan Verma from Dhanbad. I want to connect Internet in my PC through my Cell Phone having GPRS but i have not secusses in this proces. so, plz help me and send my some point so i can connect the internet on my PC.

    Thanx and Regards,
    Chandan Verma,

    Chandan Verma on May 15th, 2008
  • 131

    I am using sony Ericsson K530i model. I am able to connect to the internet directly on my mobile,but whenever i try to connect my laptop through bluetooth or data cable for internet, it is not happening. Even Airtel people told me to do some settings and recreated the dialup connection, but it is not connecting. Sometimes the IE is not opening any website, sometimes the error 734 is appearing with the message like “PPP link control protocol was terminated”. pls help.

    Raj on May 16th, 2008
  • 132

    Plz plz tell me how can i use free airtel gprs on pc plz solve my problem plz my id v.Sharma1980@rediffmail.Com

    Vishal on May 19th, 2008
  • 133

    Plz any one solve my problem i am from punjab plz tell me how can i use free airtel gprs plz plz plz send trick on my id v.Sharma1980@rediffmail.Com

    Vishal on May 19th, 2008
  • 134

    how can i conect internet with my 1600 Nokia Mobile .
    Plz help me..i have data cable …what the next step???

    yogesh on May 20th, 2008
  • 135

    I am using sony Ericsson K530i model. I am able to connect to the internet directly on my mobile,but whenever i try to connect my laptop through bluetooth or data cable for internet, it is not happening. Even Airtel people told me to do some settings and recreated the dialup connection, but it is not connecting. Sometimes the IE is not opening any website, sometimes the error 734 is appearing with the message like “PPP link control protocol was terminated”. pls help.

    chetan on May 31st, 2008
  • 136

    I have LG KG195 mobile set, I don’t have it’s PC suit, how can I get it from Internet?.
    One day I received one pop up saying “Voice mail received”, but I can’t open it. One symbol of speaker shown on top of mobile after that message. I requested help from agency (Areej business centre, Ghobra-Oman) from I was purchased the mobile. They are also not able to help me. If anybobdy now, please help me.
    Sultanate of Oman.

    Nandan on June 2nd, 2008
  • 137

    hi, i have nokia 6030 phone , can i connect internet through this phone? pls give any pc suite wich can connect this phone

    anand on June 3rd, 2008
  • 138

    hey ppl …i hav activated gprs on my sony ericsson w610i by sending sms ..i hav got notification dat my gprs is working …is dat all i need or is ther any settings or pin code required??? ..coz my laptop is asking for some pin code to start wid a dial up connection through cell ….plz help me solving the prob..thanks..tc

    seema on June 4th, 2008
  • 139


    BEER INDER SINGH on June 8th, 2008
  • 140

    I have nokia 2626 cable driver and how to install in to pc and which cable used to i connect internet by using nokia 2626 mobile please send me modem driver in my id : siva_varma10@yahoo.co.in

    Thanking u sir,

    sivanagavaram on June 9th, 2008
  • 141

    please give me settings to connects HTC touch to laptop for using internet using airtel GPRS services
    setting for both phone and laptop is required. whenever i am connecting via dial up connection it is showing error 680 please guide

    sachin on June 16th, 2008
  • 142

    hi sir kya aap muze bata payenge ki nokia 6030 main internet chala sakta hu pc per airtel se

    jain sanket on June 18th, 2008
  • 143

    gues i went through all ur comments n i am so dissapointed that i cannot surf d net through my n 6030 ph….however is there an external modem available 4 n 6030 or n2626…plz help

    imran on June 24th, 2008
  • 144

    I have lg kg195 cell & i have activate gprs in my mobile.
    Can any one give LG KG195 USB Modem Driver Setup or PC suite so that i can acess to internet.

    RAHUL KHARADE on July 4th, 2008
  • 145

    Hi, I M Nikhil,
    i have a full success tricks of Free airtel gprs use & no won’t charge operator.
    This trick work only on mobile browsing.
    If any thing his want this setting plz call me 9784130228

    Nikhil on July 8th, 2008
  • 146

    opera is not working in noika 6030 by nop setting
    pls tell me how to use it

    tanu on July 8th, 2008
  • 147

    Hi I am accessing net on my laptop(win Vista) using Airtel GPRS with Nokia n73 …few days back it was working fine ..now it is giving problem ..at the time of connection its showing connected Successfully …..but i am not able to open any website on my laptop….i thought that is problem with interner explorer…so i installed mozila..with that also I am getting same problem….plz help

    manish on July 9th, 2008
  • 148

    can i get airtel broadband connection through gprs if not then tell about procedure to increase the speed through gprs. i have a sony ericsson k510i

    HARSH on July 13th, 2008
  • 149

    Hey dude,do you have any idea how I can do this on Linux?

    Naman Bagga on July 15th, 2008
  • 150

    i hav an sony k530 i i had activated airtel gprs first the speed very good i was getting about download speed of 9 kb/sec but after a few days the speed is decreased
    now i getting about 3 kbps can any one help!!!!!

    my email ancellitto@gmail.com

    Ancel on July 24th, 2008
  • 151

    Hi friends,

    I am from Kerala. I have a Nokia 6020 mobile phone with blue tooth facility. I connect to internet with Airtel GPRS for the past one year, through my PC and laptop. Here the tariff is Rs.274/- per month. Unlimited connection. Before some months the dialing number was *99#, now it has been changed to *99***1#. The main issue is that the connection speed is too slow. Some days before, when I first connected using the newly changed number *99***1, the speed was moderately high. After some days, it dropped. Now it is too slow.

    Also, what I learned from my experience is that we have a use genuine equipments (data cable or blue tooth dongle) to connect, other wise we may fail (I have similar experience..previously i tried to connect using duplicate data cables and blue tooth dongles..but failed). Now I am using the blue tooth dongle of TECH.COM.

    If any one can help me to increase the speed of my internet connection, it would be much appreciated…


    sreeraj on July 27th, 2008
  • 152

    i install nokia pc suite in my hcl vista laptop .via pendrive.after connecting i want nokia driver

    suraj on July 28th, 2008
  • 153

    pelse send the prcedure to connect the internet from hand set spice920

    shobhit on July 28th, 2008
  • 154

    is it so that i cant use my n6030 to browse internet thru pc?but the customer care ppl hav a diff story to tell. they say that any gprs enabled handset can b used for internet browsing through pc.i m confused….

    raj on August 5th, 2008
  • 155

    Hi friend
    i need cable driver of nokia 2626.can u mail it to me?

    Manzoor on August 6th, 2008
  • 156

    My mobile is Nokia 6030. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at hrmama@rediffmail.com

    hrmama on August 6th, 2008
  • 157

    hw can i connect my LG KG195 to internet thru Airtel….??

    deepak on August 19th, 2008
  • 158

    where i cn get pc suite 4 LG kg295

    deepak on August 21st, 2008
  • 159

    hey guys .. i think n 2626 can’t b connect wid pc 4 using GPRS. i’m also trying but no solution ..didn’t get any solution for dis.

    uaa uaa uaa finaly i’m using mah N73 for using GPRS. baichare ki jaan nikal jaati hai. uaa uaa uaa

    aadi on August 22nd, 2008
  • 160

    i have nokia 9300 with use warid connection. my gprs is free charges month only 500 . i want to connect with pc but in vail. pleas help me how i use gprs in pc from nokia 9300

    tahirtariq on August 23rd, 2008
  • 161

    hello friends

    I have KG195 cell iam using airtel gprs from 1year i try *99***2#,many times after Extra cmd:AT+CGDCONT=2,”IP”,”airtelfun.com” i got it but bytes not tranfer properly how can i get free net?

    saikumar on August 25th, 2008
  • 162

    hi plz l7 mobile setting connection for internet

    saiyed on August 28th, 2008
  • 163

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my emai

    chandra on September 6th, 2008
  • 164

    How can i increse my GPRS speed with NOKIA-7610 because its downloading speed is too low actualiy its speed is 2/kb/sec

    chandra on September 6th, 2008
  • 165

    which mobile provide high speed pc internet through

    chandra on September 6th, 2008
  • 166

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed…..

    mohankumar on September 10th, 2008
  • 167

    plz give me a solution to increase airtel gprs speed on pc

    Kousik Mallick on September 29th, 2008
  • 168

    how to download files of size greater than 2mb using airtel online in sony ericsson k750i…. pl reply

    thejas on October 1st, 2008
  • 169

    hai i’m using o2 atom in tamilnadu how to get free (airtel) internet using GPRS and tell me how to activate free GPRS

    sing on October 3rd, 2008
  • 170

    Hello 2 all……… Me also using Airtel GpRS… N recently i cracked how to get 50kbps downloadin speed…….. my surfin speed does reduce a bit….. if any1 interested 2 know how to do it…… kindly lemme know at ssinghdhadwal@gmail.com

    Sakshay on October 14th, 2008
  • 171

    HI guys,
    my name is raja .. i have problem..that i m using motorola l6 handset and i m using vodafone sim and my phone is GPRS enabled ,i want to connect to internet.. can anyone plz guide … me how to go ahead… through Airtel sim connection…thanku …waiting for reply…

    Raja Pale on October 30th, 2008
  • 172

    I have nokia 6010 ..have enabled GPRS on my cell too….and m able to access net on it too…however , I am not able to access net on my laptop…
    even airtel ppl have tried to help me with settings of connecting data cable ( with software in CD)…but still m not able to connect…
    i’ve tried connecting different data cables( DKU-5, CA-42 and even CA-55) on different laptops ..to check if thr’s some problem with my laptop / the data cables…
    however , m not able to get cause of problem ….

    i encounter the following problem while trying to setup the connection on my laptop:
    1. When everything is set up..and i click on “dial” button for airtel GPRS connection…it shows me an error message: error code 622 – the modem failed to respond. Please chk…..”
    2. when i again do all the settings ( reinstalling the modems and drivers and nokia pc suite s/w..and restarting my laptop..) and then click on “dial”…my laptop hangs..

    these two things occur alternatively…
    I am really bugged up because of this problem …
    can u help !


    Ramesh Chandra on November 6th, 2008
  • 173

    hi i have nokia 2626 and nokia 6030. for both i am using same data cable , its working. i am unable to use internet airtel mobile office in that plz give solution.

    ganesh naik on November 10th, 2008
  • 174

    my email id naik8g@ai8m.com

    ganesh naik on November 10th, 2008
  • 175

    i have nokia 6070
    please tell me how to get free gprs on smart
    prepaid connection

    abhijeet on November 12th, 2008
  • 176

    Hi Abhi
    i want to increase the speed of my mobile to comp internet.
    i use a nokia 3110c for this and i have a idea prepaid connection for this.
    the speed is sometimes good , but sometimes its very slow( the rates are 20Rs/day )
    so please send me details by email on how to set up anything so that the browser can load pages faster…

    Sudipto Chakravorty on November 17th, 2008
  • 177


    I have a Nokia 2760 mobile and i am trying to connect internet on my laptop via this phone(Airtel connection).i can acces internet on my cell but unable to connect with laptop.i have already instaaled s/w of datacable.can u plz let me know procedure to connect internet from cell to laptop.

    Aliy on November 25th, 2008
  • 178

    Hi abi please tell or send this trick to <prafullmaslekar@yahoo.com

    puff on December 6th, 2008
  • 179


    982296699 please send this no on the trick .

    puff on December 6th, 2008
  • 180

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very vwey slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email

    saneesh thambi on December 13th, 2008
  • 181

    Hi this is varuni.

    I wanted to connect internet through airtel GPRS in 24 hour option.

    my GPRS settings were activated correctly and also i got a connection in mobile.

    But what my problem is i could not connect between my pc and my mobile(Nokia 6030) Eventhough i used data cable.

    please tell me how to connect with pc.

    also i have a cd with datacable.i have installed it. but that showed the trial version software. is this a problem?

    please tell me what are the steps i have to follow.

    and i have a another doubt.is Ip address needed to get GPRS using datacable. please clear it??????

    and i read your comments
    you have commented above using phone no like *99***2#

    in that format ………

    if i had a number like 12345678 then i have to type *9912345678**2#. is it corerrct or not . correct me?????????


    u.varuni on December 19th, 2008
  • 182

    hi ! i am using mokia 5410i. It doesnot connect with nokia pc suit but connect with another software or application. it also does not connect as a modem with pc without install the pc suit. where the problem … send me solution bye

    Ishraq Ansari on December 20th, 2008
  • 183

    I am using HTC p3400i model Pocket PC(windows mobile).
    And I get airtel connection with GPRS. I want to connect internet in PPC itself. can any one help out this. To activate GPRS.

    Maharajan on December 29th, 2008
  • 184

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very very slow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email.

    naveen on January 10th, 2009
  • 185

    What is the speed and procedure for activating gprs in my mobile with PC

    sarana on January 16th, 2009
  • 186

    how to deactivate gprs connection in my mobile? my mobile is nokia 6030.

    hemangini on January 19th, 2009
  • 187

    i have a nokia 2626. can i connect internet with airtel using this mobile in computer

    gobind on January 19th, 2009
  • 188

    how to incresed internet speed. the speed as shown on task bar is 403kb/s

    Akshay Koli on January 24th, 2009
  • 189

    I am using N73 mobile please send me the settings for airtel GPRS .

    chakravarthi on January 26th, 2009
  • 190


    Could anybady please suggest me that how to increase airtel GPRS speed over mobile n73.I m using prepaid airtel gprs but it is very slow i need more speed so that i can make voice call through it.

    surender on February 3rd, 2009
  • 191

    I am using airtel gprs in my computer, I get very ver yslow speed ,Please send how to increase gprs speed in my email

    SANEESH THAMBI on February 19th, 2009
  • 192

    hi, i love your site very much, you guys are trying , plz keep it up.. ok.

    I have problem trying to browse with my phone, Nokia 6030, I wish and beleive you guys can solve my problem cos I would be very happy if this problem is lay to rest.

    thank very

    anthonio on February 22nd, 2009
  • 193

    what is the charges of internet connection by mobile phone. My mobile phone is nokia E50.
    Please give me answer immediatly

    mohit on February 28th, 2009
  • 194

    hi,iam using airtel gprs connection bt its speed is very very slow and am nt able to access many heavy sites.is there any way to increase its speed.

    hina on March 2nd, 2009
  • 195

    plz internet connection settings by mobile phone. My mobile phone is sony ericsson w200i.

    rajaram on March 2nd, 2009
  • 196

    I was using airtel gprs free last 4 month now i’m facing problem to conect via pc or cell wen i conect, message showing that sbcribe to packet data first what can i do for dis please help. Thanx in advance

    Dinesh on March 3rd, 2009
  • 197

    hi abhishek
    olredi canect in gprs but low spped pls help me MOtorola L6 me Canec kerta hu lekin bhut low spped me ra gprs can…. life time free he mene 2500 me life time inter free kerva ya he 7 mhine phle lekin 5/6kb kio spped aati he pls send me help or ha Ager aap ko lifi time 2500 me inter net airtel ka card Chahi ye to pls contec me


    Jayesh on March 6th, 2009
  • 198

    i m not able to access internet for free but m getting charged
    plz hel

    Akshay on March 7th, 2009
  • 199

    how can i speed up gprs using nokia 5200

    lucky on March 12th, 2009
  • 200

    i m unable to make dial up connection (using nokia 6020)
    itz showing some PPP error and on mobile it showing connect to packet data 1st my MObile office is enable i have checked it …i tried everything i also changed d setting of packet data by mking it always o9 …but same problem plss help me

    sachin on March 26th, 2009
  • 201

    Hi.. Please guide me to get a net connections using Airtel.
    My question are : 1, Can I use a basic mobile like nokia6030 (Even this mobile as a GPRS). 2, Can I get connnected using a Airtel pre-paid Plan, if yes what is the rate plan and will I be charged for surfing or only for downloading. 3, If I have the GPS in the cell phone and all the setting are correct in the cell phone, how shall I activate internet in the laptop. Where shall I get that settings to active the net connection.
    Please help… You can get back to me “vishwanath791985@gmail.com”

    vishwa on April 14th, 2009
  • 202

    Please guide me to get a net connections using Airtel.
    My question are : 1, Can I use a basic mobile like nokia6030 (Even this mobile as a GPRS). 2, Can I get connnected using a Airtel pre-paid Plan, if yes what is the rate plan and will I be charged for surfing or only for downloading. 3, If I have the GPS in the cell phone and all the setting are correct in the cell phone, how shall I activate internet in the laptop. Where shall I get that settings to active the net connection.
    Please help… You can get back to me “vishwanath791985@gmail.com”

    vishwa on April 15th, 2009
  • 203

    You can use nokia6030 for Airtel GPRS. It can be connected using Airtel pre-paid plan also. Rate is around 20 rupees per day in Karnataka (depends on region). You will get sms and setup which will be automatically installed in your mobile set. YOu can contact the AirTel customer care for details.

    Abhishek Kumar on April 15th, 2009
  • 204

    i want to use net free on lg kg195 mobile plzzzzzzzzzzz help u can call me on 9860836611

    murtuza on April 16th, 2009
  • 205

    I have airtel sim with free GPRS and LG KG 195 mobile .How can i use my mobile as modem.please send me the driver to my email id.My email id is rajesh.p.hegde@gmail.com

    rajesh on April 20th, 2009
  • 206

    hi i am senthil from tamilnadu i am using airtel pre paid connection sek510i mobile using past three years gprs one pack or weekly pack but april 06th 2009 airtel will charged 50kb/.30 paise so one hour brousing through pc near about rupees 30 charged so pl help free or minimum charged gprs for pc thank u

    senthil on April 22nd, 2009
  • 207

    how can connecte to the internet?

    Rabeeh on April 25th, 2009
  • 208

    how can connecte to the internet?
    My sim card airtel.
    Call me-9746682108

    Rabeeh on April 25th, 2009
  • 209

    I connected my mobile to internet.i lost 10 Rs.
    Mobile model is nokia6300
    how can free connection?

    Rabeeh on April 25th, 2009
  • 210

    Can I use my chinese mobile as modem for internet in pc?
    (airtel gprs)
    Please tell me if anyone know………..

    nidhi on April 28th, 2009
  • 211

    How to enable GPRS in my mobile and how to access inter net in my mobile phone.

    priya on April 30th, 2009
  • 212

    My mobile is Nokia 5310. Can I connect Internet through data cable and airtel network ? pls mail me at kppadashala@gmail.com

    keyur on May 1st, 2009
  • 213


    hi if you need free gprs from airtel u have to buy a sim card with one year validity and when it active u have to recharge your account with 50 rs..

    then active gprs by *444*1# and use it …………….

    (USE THIS TRICK BETWEEN 27th — 29th )
    i am using it from 6 month….

    badboy.mid on May 1st, 2009
  • 214

    i need an internet connection (unlimited download,128kbs,moderate cost) if any please suggest

    dilip on May 18th, 2009
  • 215

    u need internet connection then u use the airtel internet connection on your mobile with gprs enable then you call up to the shop which provide you the prepaid card of rs 20/- per day with 128kbps speed or u use the your talktime for internet after gprs enable phone

    sameer on May 29th, 2009
  • 216

    hey buddy my sef abhi too well yar tell me the simplest trick of mobile office of airtel ,so i can use it in agra at moto L6 mail me plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.thanks

    abhishek chauhan on May 30th, 2009
  • 217

    hi i have brought a sim frm bhopal n now im staying in delhi can u tell me how to use free net on phn aswell as on laptop.i will b very thankfull,i had a airtel nop service 2 yrs back bt i had lost that sim at that tym bt now i am mad about that trick plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me ,,,sunnyboy6186@yahoo.com.
    contact me plzzzzzzzz

    sunny6186 on June 5th, 2009
  • 218

    I am using Nokia 2626 and USB Cable CA-45. Internet is all right in my mobile. But I am unable to have internet in my pc. I have installed the cable driver, but there is no option for internet. Nokia pc suite is also not detecting my phone. What should I do to have internet in my pc?

    Mrinmoy on June 25th, 2009
  • 219

    i m nt able to connect to internet through data cable by my ericsson k530 phone on windows vista home basic. bt on the phone internet is working. plz tell me the details hw to connect it in windows vista…..i will be thankful 2 u……

    shamee on June 26th, 2009
  • 220

    Iam using nokia 6630 There any way to get more speed ?

    LINESH on June 29th, 2009
  • 221

    pls i need the directory for the configuratio of NOKIA6070 with my system. Anybody with the configuratio should please send it to MUBZEALS4WEALL@YAHOO.COM

    MUBARAQ on June 29th, 2009
  • 222

    9900537336. My mobile Sony Erricson W300i . i want to access internet . mail me ekbal.vcplus@gmail.com & my number is 9900537336

    Ekbal Hossen on July 9th, 2009
  • 223

    i cannot connect airtel gprs in my pc using LGKG 195 mobile
    however the pc shows connected but cannot open web page

    please solve my problem

    vicky on July 10th, 2009
  • 224

    i want to say that i have LG KG195 mobile.i wanted to connect free airtel gprs in my handset and pc. my area is shimla (H.P). please give me best suggestion for these problem.

    randhir on July 12th, 2009
  • 225

    Hello….I am boy my friends use airtel mobile connection. but they not pay any thing for it.. In our region some shop keeper do this at rate 200RS. Once net is activated on mobile .It runs at lest 3-4 months ..so they pay only 200 for all. How they do that.?

    gagan on July 29th, 2009
  • 226

    Abhishek bhai i want to know activate the free net connection in my nokia 3230 mobile phone,, i trying bothe the ideas but all are failuere soon pls give me some additional information what can i do pls seed me
    your new friend “shahbaz”

    shahbaz on July 31st, 2009
  • 227

    how to connect to pc

    sagar on July 31st, 2009
  • 228

    if anyone want free airtel gprs trick and sim and calling free then call me my number 09934937641

    deepak on August 1st, 2009
  • 229

    3120 conetaning internet in pc plese cell me 9950322991

    azadkhan on August 6th, 2009
  • 230

    i m having prob in connecting my ph wid pc can u please help me out
    is there anyway of talking to airtel costumer care people
    as phone never connects

    arpit jain on August 16th, 2009
  • 231

    Abhishek Sir,

    I want know, how to get internet connection in my nokia E75 (Airtel Connection)?. Plz sent details….

    Thanking You..

    Mazudh P on August 27th, 2009
  • 232

    i have start ainternet on mobile but when i conect mobile by pc then internet not open in pc

    nilesh on August 30th, 2009
  • 233

    please i want to access internet on my pc through Nokia mobile 5200 on AirTel prepaid so please help me

    shekhar on September 20th, 2009
  • 234

    Please send me MO setting for the internet connection in my mobile hand set SAMSUNG SGH-i200.

    Kishor on September 27th, 2009
  • 235

    i have nokia 6101 mobile can i run internet by using this on my computer
    plz tell me

    Vineet on October 3rd, 2009
  • 236

    z530i sonyericsson
    how 2 coonect …….

    kamlesh meher on October 3rd, 2009
  • 237

    i am using mobile office and getting download speed of about 25 kbps, can i get download speed of 50 kbps or above using nokia 5310 which has gprs of class 32. i am connecting using bluetooth

    santosh on November 4th, 2009
  • 238

    i am using air-tel 395 plan how to hack airtel to get free INTERNET surfing please help me

    Himanshu on November 7th, 2009
  • 239

    i have a nokia n70..i activated mobile office..but when i try to connect it shoes Error:734 PPP link terminated.pls help me………

    Ashish Benz on November 13th, 2009
  • 240

    hello sir,
    i have nokia 6030 mobile phone.
    i want airtel gprs connection with my pc through this phone…. so pls tell me the procedure to make this connection. i’ll be thankful to you.

    kamal sharma on November 17th, 2009
  • 241

    i need procedure for how to connect airtel sim with option internet connection device

    jene on November 18th, 2009
  • 242

    friends my phone connected with but i cannot connect with internet i connect data cable and select pc suite to my phone it asks one touch connection is failed what can i do for that pls tell me my website is jacksonjerold@ymail.com

    jerold on November 25th, 2009
  • 243

    I Have a airtrl life time sim and I want to use internet through my laptop. How to commect internet and how to access through laptop?

    Kuldeep singh on December 9th, 2009
  • 244

    anybody help how to hack airtel to get free INTERNET surfing on pc please help me
    RAMVEER my con. no. is 9760136739

    Ramveer on December 13th, 2009
  • 245

    Check out my blog..!! It has complete details on how to connect to internet from mobile!! http://dtechwiz.blogspot.com/2009/12/how-to-connect-to-internet-using-mobile.html

    Karthik on December 29th, 2009
  • 246

    can i use airtel gprs connection with samsung-s5233w mobile phone & connect to pc or laptop
    please send all detail ,profile , download & monthly rentle.
    so i purchage airtel connection

    atul on January 3rd, 2010
  • 247

    plz tell the cheapest mobile of nokia and samsung by which i can use the internet of aircel thank you plz send me the details on my id

    shweta on January 8th, 2010
  • 248

    I have Nokia supernova 7210 handset with airtel GPRS connection, downloading speed is very slow 4-6 kbps, i use internet exploser and google chrome for surfing. how can I increase this speed any other browser or add on software etc Please suggest….

    pS rathore on January 14th, 2010
  • 249

    i want to increeg my gprs net speed plees give me some tips

    Mukund on January 24th, 2010
  • 250

    i have lg kf600.. net not worked in that.. how i connect

    parthiban on January 30th, 2010
  • 251

    i want to get mannual settings for my nokia 6630……plz help me

    sandy on February 5th, 2010
  • 252

    i want to get mobile office settings for my nokia 6630. i m using airtel network….

    sandy on February 5th, 2010
  • 253

    How can I download video and audio songs nokia 6270 in cellphone ?

    Raj on February 11th, 2010
  • 254

    hi i have use sonyeriction mobile w350i using in airtel sim pls tell me how to connect in internet connection in my mobile

    ari on February 11th, 2010
  • 255

    hello every one.my advice that rather using this wireless hack type internet,you should buy an package.because now a days internet has become much cheaper.
    if any body wants to be my friend then email me.

    hitendra on February 19th, 2010
  • 256

    for linesh full speed in 6630 go in real media player,settings,connection,then go to advanced(i think so just search there you will get it)
    this can be used for all nokia models.cause its my personal experience

    hitendra on February 19th, 2010
  • 257

    I Have a airtrl life time sim and I want to use internet through my mobile phone. How to commect internet and how to access through mobile

    nithin on February 23rd, 2010
  • 258

    plz tell me that how to connect ny nokia 6030 through pc.i want to use internet through my phone in pc?plz tell me in detail…………

    Prashant Chaturvedi on February 24th, 2010
  • 259


    aliz on February 26th, 2010
  • 260

    I have a vodafone connection and I have a LG K175 mobile. how to connect my mobile to a PC for internet surfing from vodafone connection.

    Suman Pal on March 2nd, 2010
  • 261

    i using E72 n have an Airtel connctn..i am not able to connect my mobile wid pc..is there any other procedure for connecting? waitng for reply…

    thanx 🙂

    Navneet on March 4th, 2010
  • 262

    when i connect nokia 5300 usb modem but not getting incoming call,, when i call says switched off
    service provider : bsnl jharkhand
    what to do??

    himanshu on March 8th, 2010
  • 263

    si i m sanju that i want know to connect airtel seting & softwre on mobile in setup in .plz send me respons sir ,thank u.

    sanju on March 22nd, 2010
  • 264

    fring is not working on htc p3400i
    my phone internet is working fine can someone help me in below case

    Deepak vasisth on April 7th, 2010
  • 265

    I have activated gprs on my phone and get net connecton is verry slow internet through it but how to ger net connection faster Can somebody help me out. My cell is nokia n70 and my email id is- mahesh539@gmail.com

    uma on April 10th, 2010
  • 266

    Can anyone plz tell me how to connect pc or laptop via 6030 cell phone.plz do help me in this case.

    abhilash on April 12th, 2010
  • 267

    i am using gprs through bluetooth connect pc , it is very very low speed,i try to connect through data cable with pc. But it is not connect .

    how to connect through data cable and also send a settings

    selva on April 20th, 2010
  • 268




    Revathi on April 23rd, 2010
  • 269

    mobile me internet nahi chalaraha koi to madad karo.. bhai.. kaha ho sab log.

    akram khan on April 28th, 2010
  • 270

    How to connect samsung GT5603 mobile with PC to access the internet. Please tell me the configuration and settings.

    Arvind Kumar Tyagi on April 29th, 2010
  • 271

    i,am using nokia 7210 whith GPRS to connect my internect via cable with my laptop, in which i have to rechage 498repees per mouth,but the intanet is two slow infart is a problem to open any webpeg,i urgent need ur advice,is just 2days away to rechage my number with 498rupees,if there is any better way out, you can plz enlight me urgent.

    BOBBY on May 5th, 2010
  • 272

    I am usingh airtel gprs this time but whenever I used my mobile with my laptop via blutooth it shows 3.0 mbps speed and whenever I used this via data cable it shows mw 460.8 kbps which is the right one to surf the net.

    Mukesh Kumar Singh on May 9th, 2010
  • 273

    please sent me how to increase airtel mobile internet speed with pc to my email http://www.nishadn20@gmail.com

    nishad on May 16th, 2010
  • 274

    I utpal ray having a airtel mob prepaid connction.I rechaged 98 for gprs connection. I have been trying to net connect for 10days but can’t get it.

    utpal ray on May 18th, 2010
  • 275

    i have intex aura 1224 how to hack airtel gprs in it

    hong on May 29th, 2010
  • 276

    hi sir i want to know air tel Sim speed of GPRS on my mobile phone my handset n70 plz tell me immediately i waiting for your answer

    shashank on June 12th, 2010
  • 277

    i am rajesh

    so i my questions please setting samsung mobile airtel live to connect pc computer immediately.
    my email id = kumarbehera_rajesh@yahoo.com

    rajesh on June 17th, 2010
  • 278

    Hello, I’m using airtel’s gprs plans in my nokia 2730c which supports EDGE(class 32) and 3g. I’m in tamil nadu(villupuram) it is very slow to connect. Please suggest me an idea to increase it.

    Arun on June 19th, 2010
  • 279

    This is my email id arunkja777@ymail.com

    Arun on June 19th, 2010
  • 280

    how can i connect to airtel gprs without being charge whenever i use it.. my phone is nokia 2700 classic..
    thanks in advance.. my email is boylesjohnryan@yahoo.com

    john ryan boyles on June 30th, 2010
  • 281

    hi i am using sony ericsson w395 how can i connect internet on it.

    ashish on July 2nd, 2010
  • 282

    heyy guyzz i hv micromax q5 n i wanna run net on pc my os is vista plz help me…….using airtel gprs

    pankkaj on July 5th, 2010
  • 283

    Hey friend, thanks a lot for your article. It really helped me.

    Harsh on July 11th, 2010
  • 284

    I want to use internet in my computer using airtel gprs connection. I owned a sony ericsson k750 mobile. what all are the steps to be followed for the same. Internet connection is active in my mobile. Do reply anyone…

    Sinto Jose on July 16th, 2010
  • 285

    How to activate EDGE in my nokia 6230 ?
    How to hack Dialog Free GPRS ?
    Please If you know tell me.

    Shyamin Ayesh on July 17th, 2010
  • 286

    hey….am usin nokia 2690…i’ve done the things to connect internet in mobile…but still i couldn’t access the net in my mobile…

    dhanya iyer on July 24th, 2010
  • 287

    hi abhi,
    Am usin airtel gprs 115.2kbps…with sonyericsson k320i… but downloadin spd s jus — How to recover tis??? giv a soln…

    shiney on July 25th, 2010
  • 288

    i am user of airtel gprs i get 115.2 kbps speed but only 4 to 5 kbps downloading speed why?

    amar on August 21st, 2010
  • 289

    I am using dell laptop and nokia mobile then the model number of my mobile is 2690 my question is how to speedup my network connection because it can download only upto 4 kbps.please send me if there is any solution for that, my mail id is vinndce@gmail.com

    vinnarasu on August 23rd, 2010
  • 290

    Hello……. I’m 4m orissa . I want 2 know what is your packet data access point . ? Plz help me & send it 2 my id – s.subhankar134@yahoo.com

    Riku on August 27th, 2010
  • 291

    i am using airtel gprs on my laptop but when i connected the internet on laptop some time it hangs why
    before i using window 7 and now i installed xp window but same problem i am facing

    gaurav on September 21st, 2010
  • 292

    am using GFIVE mobile which is china made. i couldnt activate GPRS.so what should i do? can you give me the method to activate it?

    shahanaz on September 22nd, 2010
  • 293

    my mobile is samsung squash c5010 please tell me how to connect internet in my mobile and thanks in advance

    kittu on September 28th, 2010
  • 294

    WELCOME TO CJ GROUP.hi frnds try my hacking trick and u can make your gprs for any service provider the extreme fastest.Normally speeds upto 2kbps to 25kbps.After hacking 75kbps to 90kbps. Email me if satisfied,unsatisfied,or facing problems. 1/note that gprs tower and calling network tower are different .The gprs tower is not shown in ur handset.But gprs tower depends on ur network tower. 2/you are going to connect your gprs enabled handset with a dish that comes with ur dish tv or tata sky…. 3/how? u have to bring out two wires one from the tower boosting socket its round golden colour having a hole in it near the nrtwork ic.And another from the tower ground and not the chasis ground.it may be a thin shit of copper or tin…. 4/then connect the two wires with the wire of the dish not connected with the dish box.no dish box is requred. 5/Am an expart hardware so dont try this with the cable line of local cable provider bec it possess live voltages. 6/so thats all try the ultimate speed with gprs using my tricks thanksssssssssss…

    cj on October 11th, 2010
  • 295

    hi cj group please please send me all the procedure, I am not understanding this process how can I connect my phone with tata sky cable or dth cale and inhance my internate speed,

    Manoranjan on October 25th, 2010
  • 296

    Hi cj group,thanks to share ur technique but I couldn’t understand that how is this possible to connet a cell phone with dish tv or tata sky cable, please tell me in detail

    Manoranjan on October 25th, 2010
  • 297

    i m buy 3g samsung c5010 mobile before six month, it is everythig is ok but pc suite is not connect with pc then unable uses to internet. pls guide me why this problem created.

    kamal on November 15th, 2010
  • 298

    i m buy 3g samsung c5010 mobile before six month, it is everythig is ok but pc suite is not connect with pc then unable uses to internet. pls guide me why this problem created.i m use airtel 2g sim.
    my i d : maucomputers@ymail.com

    kamal on November 15th, 2010
  • 299

    how can i connect to airtel gprs without being charge whenever i use it.. my phone is samsung c5010.
    thanks in advance.. my email is maucomputers@ymail.com

    kamal on November 19th, 2010
  • 300

    hi cj group please please send me all the procedure, I am not understanding this process how can I connect my phone with tata sky cable or dth cale and inhance my internate speed,

    Govind on November 22nd, 2010
  • 301

    i m using airtel gprs connection on my mobile LG-T300
    via data cable to pc but its speed very slow 236 kbps.
    i m also using opera but its speed not increase
    how to increase the speed of internet.



    RAJESH KUMAR on December 16th, 2010
  • 302

    i connect my china mobile by bluethoth device, plz send the gprs code for connect internet in my pc.

    MAHAVEER on December 25th, 2010
  • 303

    please tell how to activate the GPRS connection in my samsung champ mobile sing airtel………

    KATS on January 20th, 2011
  • 304

    please know me airtel gprs offer for pc connection via gsm modem.

    soumitra on January 25th, 2011
  • 305

    Hello, I am using the set LG GW300, and i m using the airtel Mobile office. I want to connect to the net using this set as a modem through my Laptop.
    Can anyone please mail me or post here about the settings need to be made in the handset.
    I know all the basic settings to be done but still unable to connect to the net.
    Please reply soon

    Salil Bagchi on February 12th, 2011
  • 306

    hello am using nokia 2330c .connected to pc using bluetooth using buesoleil.how to increase speed .am getting an average speed of 2kbps.please help me

    siraj on March 9th, 2011
  • 307

    I have Nokia 2730c with Airtel connection.I get charged it with 98-monthly pack.I connect my cell with laptop through Nokia pc-suite by datacable. In laptop modem get connected but clicking internet explorer, webpage doesn’t open.Plz, sort out my problem

    supriya on March 9th, 2011
  • 308

    Please tell me how can i use internet thru my samsung star mobile phone as i have used all the steps you have mentioned above but still not able to access internet thru my mobile.. pls help…….

    Amit on March 13th, 2011
  • 309

    hello. i am trying to connect my samsung GT-s3653 with airtel 2g pack to laptop but it is giving a error 734. i am irritated i have even called but no use. can you tell me the detailed procedure. awaiting your reply on my mail. thankyou

    thaheera on March 24th, 2011
  • 310

    Internet Connection using VODAPHONE GPRS

    PRADEEP on March 26th, 2011
  • 311

    my airtel modem after installing gives me an error message if i want to connect again and browse.

    Patrick on April 6th, 2011
  • 312

    Follow this procedure to increase Net speed through mobile
    Here you need to go:
    1 Log on as Administrator
    2 Start – run – and type (gpedit.msc)
    3 Expand “Local Computer Policy
    4 Expand ” Administrative Template
    5 Expand “Network Branch”
    6 Highlight “QoS Packet Scheduler
    7 On Right Hand double click “limit reservable bandwidth
    8 On setting tab check “Enable”
    9 Change “Bandwidth limit %” to 0
    You are done. This will increase your computer’s internet speed for about 20%
    Raju DG

    Raju on April 8th, 2011
  • 313

    Hello ,,my name is Jitender sharma and i have samsung star next with vodafone connection,, i m using internet on my mobile but i m unable to use internet on pc through dial up connection through bluetooth,,, so plz help me,, it will be a great kind ok work….

    Jitender sharma on April 20th, 2011
  • 314

    u can also send me ur precious suggestion on my id and that is >>> imcoolvickysharma06@rediffmail.com and jitenderlovejmi@gmail.com””

    Jitender sharma on April 20th, 2011
  • 315

    i have my nokiaX3-02 phone with airtel,i’m using internet on my mobile but i’m unable to use internet on my pc by dialup connection.help plz

    sridevi on April 29th, 2011
  • 316

    hi,myself abuzar i m using airtel net warrior modem to connect with internet, it providing access to my desktop but it is not detecting to my laptop, please give some suggetion regarding this matter and help me out..

    abuzar on April 29th, 2011
  • 317

    I am using nokia 2626.can i connect it with my laptop for internet without any wire.

    Plz plz let me know its answer

    Nikhil on May 3rd, 2011
  • 318

    hi i am using a mobile connection for internet.
    is there any way to increase the speed of the net….
    plz send to this email:arunachu022@gmail.com

    arun on May 15th, 2011
  • 319

    am trying to connect internet threw Airtel GPRS as par your instraction using samsung gtc3010s I am using samsung PC suite for coonecting but it is not working. Airtel live working fine on my mobile.
    Please help me to connect.

    selvam on June 2nd, 2011
  • 320

    am using samsung sgh-i900.but i cant downladoad facebook and yahoo messanger on it.have tryed all my possible best to do it. but i guess samsung dose not work fine on airtel network.

    adesanya adeyinka on July 29th, 2011
  • 321

    what are the problem descriptions of mobile browsing systems:map application for different places within a city

    niyonzima thomas on August 8th, 2011
  • 322

    I am using nokia 2690.can i connect it with my pc for internet if yas then How plz tell me what is the process for activation ……….dhiman.indu4/2gmail.com

    indu on September 5th, 2011
  • 323

    I am using nokia 2690.can i connect it with my pc for internet if yas then How plz tell me what is the process for activation ……….dhiman.indu4@gmail.com

    indu on September 5th, 2011
  • 324

    hi friend’s , l am using micromax m2 phone with airtel,i’m using internet on my mobile but i’m unable to use internet on my pc if there’s any please tell me

    b.santhosh on March 19th, 2012
  • 325

    I am unable to connect DUN with my PC.
    It was working few days ago but not now.
    When I use AIRCEL to connect it worked properly but not airtel.
    it displays a msg “Error 734….”

    Deepkr Singha on March 23rd, 2012
  • 326

    Plz help me.
    is there any PC suite for micromax x600

    Deepkr Singha on March 23rd, 2012
  • 327

    I have installed the gprs settings but still i am unable to connect to the net in airtel mobile .pls provide me a solution

    mahalakshmi on May 7th, 2012
  • 328

    Hello guys
    I am from Delhi. I am a vodafone user as well as using airtel connection. I had activated 249 plan on my airtel connection as per described according to my requirements. They told me that I would get some free calls as well as the call rates are also cheaper. But don’t know was that just to attract customers or what??? I just filed my complaint to the but is not any hearing there So I just moved for consumercourt.net where I again filed my complaint about the very much charged bill amount. Hope to get some help from them ASAP.

    Agnes James on October 3rd, 2012