
Last Updated: September 28, 2013  435 views

Charge batteries while walking

in: Technology

chargingwalk.jpgSimon Fraser University researchers have invented a method (Bio mechanical Energy Harvester) to generate energy from human movements. You can’t imagine, this new technology is able to produce energy to power a mobile phone for 30 minutes from just one minute of walking, this means that you can now charge your mobile phone with just few minutes of walking. The Bio mechanical Energy Harvester, has been featured in the Feb. 8, 2008 issue of the U.S. journal, Science, resembles a lightweight orthopedic knee brace. This is really a great innovation !

The device harvests energy from the end of a walker’s step, when the muscles are working to slow the movement of the leg, in much the same way that hybrid-electric cars recycle power from braking.It generates power by a process known as generative braking. With the help of series of gears and changes in it, electricity is generated.

Wearing a device on each leg, an individual can generate up to 5 watts of electricity with little additional physical effort, according to the release. Walking quickly, however, generates as much as 13 watts. At that rate, when the energy is stored in a battery, one minute of walking time will provide enough electricity to sustain 30 minutes of talk-time on any mobile phone. This new technology will definitely revolutionize the way we charge portable battery-powered devices.

  • 1

    Good and keep it up. I have marked it in my favourites and will be visiting regularly for updates.



    Avudainayagam on March 28th, 2008
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    Hi Abhi,
    Like the post, there is only thing i want to ask you. Did somebody from india also introduce same technique? That guy is from IIT, but i am not able to trace him on net. The chargers invented by him is even charges mobile just by scratching. Do you have any idea about it. If you have any contact details for the same….Keep india Growing

    Vinayak on December 17th, 2008
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    im sure this is gonna help me in searching for best answers

    Spinal Braces on February 4th, 2009
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    I designed the same system about 10 years ago on a survival suit. It implemented all moving joints and involves much less equipment with much less resistance. Its the same tech that we used to use for the dynamo driven bicycle lights we used to put on our bicycles. If you stop and think about it, there are things we can apply it to to harness wasted energy in everyday movements. I also have a design that returns energy to entire office blocks thru the motion of its workers. In addition, I have a novel design utilizing a huge source of wasted potential energy… were it implemented into a company, it would draw huge attention and make news worldwide. Would love to see it in action so, if SFU is interested in putting it to paper, I’d be happy to share.

    Joseph on August 30th, 2009
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    i like this post,this project good

    rifan on December 19th, 2009