
Last Updated: July 18, 2014  18,738 views

5 major differences between Bollywood and Hollywood

in: Movies

Bollywood India is one of the biggest producers of films in the world in a number of languages. In a year more than hundreds movies are made in India alone including the Hindi and other Indian languages based movies. The Indian film industry is denoted as Bollywood, which is centered in Bombay (Mumbai) the financial capital of India. On the contrary, Hollywood is a town in America, which is a hub of film makers and produces. This film city is based in Los Angeles, California in the United States, wherein a number of movies in English languages are produced. Both the movies differ in many ways, so let’s check the 5 major differences found in between the Bollywood and Hollywood movies as under:

1) Technical perfection

In terms of technical perfection, the Hollywood movies have an edge over the Bollywood movies. You can find a number of high tech personnel found in Hollywood, which is not the case with the Indian film city. This edge has been felt long back even in the movies of 40’s and 50’s wherein the Indian Cinema was still a miniature as compared to the Hollywood cinema.

2) Variety of subjects

In terms of variety of subjects, again Hollywood seems to be coming at the top. You can find the Hollywood movies being made on a wide range of subjects including fiction, action, horror, science, comedy, romance, drama, etc. whereas this is not the case with Bollywood movies. Most of the Bollywood themes are the same old melodrama, romance and family based stuff, which is one of the major differences between the two.

3) The time duration

Talking in terms of time duration of the movies, the Bollywood movies seems to be bigger than the Hollywood movies. The Hollywood movies are at times are even free from intermission for being a short movie but with a worthy subject, which is not the case with the Bollywood movies. Most of the times the noisy songs and weird dances consume loads of the time that increase the time duration of the movie, which makes them bigger than the Hollywood movies. Thus this can be called as another major difference between the Bollywood and Hollywood movies.

4) Revenue

In perspective of revenue the Hollywood movies dominates wherein they earn in millions and trillions with their just one movie getting hit worldwide. However, this is not the case with the Bollywood movies. They still follow the same old distribution system with having a very less accessibility in the global theatre. On the contrary the Hollywood movies have smarter networks and their movies are released on large scale giving them huge money as compared to the Bollywood movies.

5) Quality

If you consider quality in terms of theme, human resources, technology and other resources, the Bollywood movies seem to be lagging behind way long to the Hollywood movies. In terms of technology, the Hollywood film city is more receptive than the Bollywood movies. The quality is inferior in the Indian movies, which is not the case with the Hollywood movies.

Final word

If you compare the Bollywood movies with the Hollywood ones, the former seems way behind in terms of quality, professionalism, revenue and other elements. However, of late, the Bollywood seems to be competing with the Hollywood in terms of technology adoption and other things, yet they need to go miles to give these movies a tough fight.

Allie Branda is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade.

  • 1

    nice point of view but not satisfied with the topic of variety of subjects because most of the topics u wrote have also been adapted(fiction, action, horror, science, comedy, romance, drama, etc.)in bollywood

    anshul on October 7th, 2014
  • 2

    You have forgotten to mention that Hollywood movies must be vetted by the CIA. Scripts are changed in order to meet the demands and needs of the American propanganda machine.

    Try some more depth in your work.

    Maien on January 24th, 2017
  • 3

    Things are changing with Bahubali and Dangal movies. The Bollywood is slowly moving to international arenas.

    Yogesh Khetani on August 24th, 2017