
Last Updated: September 27, 2012  565 views

Beware of Obama virus

in: Hot Shot

obama_trojan.jpgBarack Obama, the new president of USA is also very much popular on internet. Cyber criminals and hackers are trying to exploit his success in US presidential elections by spreading Obama themed malware. Actually, hackers are spreading a malicious Trojan horse virus that can easily steal your personal information and important data from your computer. A computer security company Sophos claimed that internet users across the globe are receiving emails from a email address called news@president.com with the subject ‘Obama win preferred in world poll’. Sophos is a developer and vendor of security software and hardware, including anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-spam and Network Access Control for desktops, servers, email systems and other network gateways. In the email there is some information on the president-election and the victory of Barack Obama. You can click the picture in this article to see the website where you are redirected after clicking the malicious links in the Obama’s email.

The e-mail also contain links to a web page that instructs visitors to download ‘Adobe Flash 9’ to view a video of Obama making an “amazing speech” on his victory. But when the internet users download that file, their computer gets infected with the Mal/Behav-027 Trojan horse. This is actually a very dangerous malware which takes screen shots of your computer, look for stored user names and passwords and send all these critical informations to a web server located in Kiev, Ukraine so that they can be used by hackers. So if you get any mail containing information about Obama and download links then please make sure that you do not click any download link. Downloading such files may infect your computer with a Trojan.