
Last Updated: April 12, 2007  546 views

Conjugal Life Jokes

in: Humor

1. Women are unpredictable. Before marriage, she expects a man, after marriage she suspects him, and after death she respects him.

2.There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go thru hell for her. They got married – and now he is going thru hell.

3.A man inserted an ‘ad’ in the classifieds : ” Wife wanted”. Next day, he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing “You can have mine.”

4. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.

5. It’s easy to tell if a man is married or not. Just watch him drive a car with a woman sitting beside him. If both his hands are on the wheel, you can be sure he is married.

6. A man received a letter from some kidnappers. The letter said, “If you don’t promise to send us $100,000, we promise you we will kidnap your wife.” The poor man wrote back, ” I am afraid I can’t keep my promise but I hope you will keep yours.”

7. “What’s the matter, you look depressed.” “I’m having trouble with my wife.” “What happened?” “She said she wasn’t going to speak to me for 30 days.” But that ought to make you happy.” “It did, but today is the last day.”

8.”Darling,” whispered a frail little husband from his chair. ” I’m very sick, would you please call me a vet?”. “A vet? Why do you want a vet and not a medical doctor?” The husband replied. Because I work like a horse,live like a dog, and have to sleep with a silly cow.”

  • 1

    Nice Jokes, keep writing.. 🙂

    Sanjay Jain on April 18th, 2007
  • 2

    Nice jokes I like it.

    Nazrul on May 25th, 2011
  • 3

    I enjoyed most of the jokes.
    I think there is a minor mistake in No 5 joke “—-both his hands are on the wheel,”
    Is it wheel or steering?

    Emdadul Haque on October 25th, 2011