
Last Updated: October 4, 2008  186 views

The Three Mistakes of my Life by Chetan Bhagat

in: Ideas and Thoughts

According to NewYork Times, Chetan Bhagat has become India’s biggest selling English Language novelist in India’s history. Uptill now, he has written three novels, Five Points Someone, One night at call centre and the three mistakes of my life. Today I will talk about the third novel as I have just completed it. It is a story about business, cricket and religion. Actually in his first two novels, Chetan has concentrated on metros i.e lifestyle of big cities. In this novel, for the first time Chetan is looking into second tier cities like Ahmedabad. So this story is about the friendship and business partnership of three friends, Govind, Ish and Omi. First of all Govind dreamt of starting a business. After the help of his friends, he got success in opening a cricket shop near the town temple. But soon they realized that running a new business in a small city is very difficult especially when you are inexperienced, have lesser money and love affairs. They face religious politics and natural calamities.

Meanwhile, they also did some serious mistakes, three mistakes. So the story revolves around those three mistakes. There is one 12 years old character called Ali in the novel with natural batting talent. Those 3 friends helped him to become a national level cricketer. To know more, read the novel. “The 3 mistakes of my life” is written in simple language with all the Indian characters. Believe me once you start, you will complete the novel in one sitting. Overall this is a very good novel, you will certainly love reading it.

  • 1

    Out of the three books by CB, This is the weakest one.
    Plot isn’t that interesting and quite boring as well,
    I don’t know why you said that you will end up reading it in one seating.

    Bhargav on October 7th, 2008
  • 2

    oh i think it was the best among three……..what a fantastic novel

    shruti on October 28th, 2009