
Last Updated: September 2, 2013  581 views

Want to restart the blog after a long break!

in: Ideas and Thoughts

restart-blogging It has been almost 6-7 months, I haven’t added significant content to my blog. In this period of time, I relocated to United States. This was a period of transition, from rupee to dollar. I got strong feeling that this blog was not getting me enough returns for my hard work and time. Frankly speaking, I was sick of blogging, social media and internet altogether. I needed some change and break and fortunately I got it. Now I am fresh and up with new ideas. So the time has come to get this blog on right track. I know this is not any easy task especially after a long hiatus. It’s time to focus on new trends and latest technological developments and social changes.

I would also like to use this post to register my concern regarding the decline of blogging on internet. Around two years back, in the survey of corporate blogs, the use of blogging dropped to 37%. This decline is due to increasing popularity of other mediums such as Facebook or Twitter. Now the normal internet users does not need a blog to connect with the world. They have Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The entire generation of bloggers, in the past few years have slowed down in blogging. Bloggers are finding it very difficult to keep their blogs updated with posts, and that not too many readers are willing to provide comments and feedback as part of the conversation.

So what is the moral of story? In my opinion, if you are any author or journalist then it is easier for you to keep your blog feeding with new content. Remember, blogging is all about content. Content is the king.

  • 1

    Welcome back!

    Sriharsha on September 2nd, 2013
  • 2

    I like your article Your take on this topic is well-written and original. I would never have thought of this.

    Sonam on September 5th, 2013