
Last Updated: January 27, 2008  284 views

What is Domain Hack ?

in: Ideas and Thoughts,Internet

domain-hack.gifDo you know who is Matt Mullenweg ? No !!! Let me tell you, Matt is the founding developer of the popular open-source blogging software WordPress and writes a popular blog Photo Matt. In late 2005, he founded Automattic, the business behind WordPress.com and Akismet. But the topic is domain hack and I am talking about Matt, the WordPress founder. Just a few days before, Matt has got the domain name ma.tt which redirects to his blog. How he got this domain is a long story, you can read this on his blog. This is a perfect example of Domain Hack. icio.us was registered to create del.icio.us (a social bookmarking website), the most visited and popular domain hack.

A domain hack is an unconventional domain name that combines domain labels, especially the top-level domain (TLD), to spell out the full “name” or title of the domain, making a kind of pun.

For example the second-level domain (SLD) blo.gs makes use of the TLD .gs (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) to spell “blogs”. Also ma.tt a second level domain is making use of top level domain .tt. Whereas the third-level domains del.icio.us make use of the SLDs icio.us TLDs .us (United States) to spell “delicious”. Other examples are inter.net, pla.net, blo.gs, whocalled.us etc.
By the way I tried for sach.in (sachin the most famous cricket player of India), but it is not available. 🙁

  • 1

    good idea, is there any service or website that generates domain hacks?

    Alex Brown on December 7th, 2008