
Last Updated: December 17, 2011  197 views

What kind of journalism is this?

in: Ideas and Thoughts

Last week, rediff.com, India’s one of the oldest web portals, published an interview of Syed Abdul Rehman Geelani. This man was accused of being the mastermind of the attack on Indian parliament. He was charged under POTA and he spent around 2 years in jail. He was later acquitted by the Supreme Court. On the 10th anniversary of the attack on Indian Parliament, Vicky Nanjappa (Rediff’s reporter) talked to Geelani about the whole incident and his trial. Rediff published this interview with the title ‘Kashmir will BURN if Afzal Guru is hanged’. From this title, any person will get an impression that Geelani is saying this statment and indirectly opposing the Supreme Court’s judgement on Afzal Guru.

But Geelani didn’t say this statment. He just responded to the question by the reporter. Actually it was the reporter who tried to add fuel to the fire by making this headline. It was just a cheap tactic to attract large number of hits on this page. Rediff made the headline catchy which gave a wrong indication to millions of its readers that if Afzal Guru is hanged, there would be serious issues in Kashmir. Such kind of treatment with anything related to Kashmir problem should be unacceptable in the Indian media. Any report or article which knowingly or unknowingly creates complications in Kashmir issue deserves to be condemned with utmost contempt.

Questeion. Do you think Kashmir will burn if he is hanged?
Answer. It surely will and peace will be derailed. The people of Kashmir know that injustice has been meted out to him. Hanging him would create a big problem.


What kind of journalism is this? Rediff, shame on you!

  • 1

    We will delete all Email IDs from Rediff.com and will never ever recommend Rediff to anyone in future.

    Jai Hind

    Rakesh on December 20th, 2011