
Last Updated: August 31, 2009  912 views

How to book LPG Cylinder through mobile SMS?

in: India

LPG Gas CylinderNow you can book your household LPG cylinder by sending a SMS, thanks to the new service launched by Petroleum Minister Murli Deora. At present this service is available in Delhi but is likely to be extended to other metropolitan cities, state capitals and second-tier cities and towns. All cities having population of more than 5 lakh will be covered by the service. So what exactly is the new service? Let me explain. Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) consumers will now enjoy the new service. They have to do a one-time registration of their mobile phone number by text messaging their local LPG distributor number and consumer number to 54625 and 52725, respectively.

For re-filling you just need to type LPG and send it to the same number. Customers would get a confirmation message after successful registration, refill booking and refill delivery. If you are HPCL, you can do the booking through IVRS system by dialling 9990923456, wherein voice guidance will prompt them to register and book refills. This new service is going to be a milestone in customer satisfaction and will save precious time of both customer and dealers. What do you think about this new service? Share your comments.