
Last Updated: October 1, 2014  3,673 views

How to get Internet Connection in India?

in: India,Internet

India-Internet.JPGAre you living in India? You don’t have internet connection. Then you have landed on right place, today I will tell you how to get internet connection in India. Today everybody knows about internet. Internet is just a simple way to bring the whole world inside your PC or laptop. Without internet a computer system is just like a body without soul. Common methods of accessing internet at home include dial-up, landline broadband (over coaxial cable, fiber optic or copper wires), Wi-Fi, satellite and 3G technology cell phones.

Broadband is faster than the normal standard dial-up internet connection, enabling you to view web content faster and download files more quickly. Besides being faster, broadband is more reliable than dial-up, due to broadband’s digital nature and ‘always on’ connectivity. With broadband, when you turn on your computer, you’re already connected to the Internet and ready to surf at high speeds. These are the ways through which you can get internet connection in India.

  1. I use BSNL broadband connection with the speed of 256 Kbps having unlimited download facility. BSNL is India’s no. 1 Internet service provider with more than 17 lakh subscribers, providing Internet service throughout the entire country. BSNL Broadband has two new unlimited plans, Home Plan UL 900 Plus and Home Plan UL 900. To activate the account, it takes around 2 weeks, for me it took 3 weeks. Their customer care is also not friendly.
  2. Airtel also provides broadband internet connection in India. Click this link and to find out the Airtel broadband & internet tariffs available in your city, please select your location from the drop-down. Unlike BSNL, activation takes only 2-3 days from the day you fill up the application form and make the payment. Downtime is very minimal. For BSNL also, you will rarely see the internet service down. The customer service of Airtel is much better than BSNL. They give you a choice of wired modem or Wi-Fi modem (both Beetel ones). Again, you can choose whether you wish to purchase the modem outright or pay a monthly rental. Airtel Broadband has extra features like Games on demand which allows customer to download and play unlimited number of games for a nominal fee per month.
  3. Tata Indicom has several offers related to new Broadband internet connection. The network of Tata Indicom is much smaller as compared to BSNL and Airtel. Thus they take somewhat extra time while installing the connection. Also due to smaller network, they don’t accept all the application forms for internet connection. They also provide wireless data cards. If you have a laptop then this is a good option. Tata indicom broadband has both prepaid and postpaid options.
  4. Sify is one of the largest Internet service providers in India. It also provides broadband internet connection. Sify Broadband uses the latest technology called ‘fixed wireless.Simply put,this uses a stationary 10″ X 10″ rectangular device called the subscriber-unit. Mounted on the roof of a Cable Operator’s building, this device points to the closest Sify Base Station that sends and receives signals. As the signal is received in your Cable Operator’s subscriber-unit, it is sent through wired cable to your home/building to reach the computer in your home. The result: Amazing internet speeds which do not depend upon telephone line quality as in the case of a Dial-up connection.
  5. Reliance Communications is also a big name in broadband market of India. Their tariff plans are designed to suit every pocket and have been customized to meet your speed and spend requirements. For registration, call them by dialling *334 from a Reliance phone or 3033 3434 from any other phone. They also provide Audio and Video conferencing facility with internet connection.

  • 1

    thank you very much for this article. Guess it will help me to stay connected 🙂

    thanks from germany

    indian traveler on February 3rd, 2010
  • 2

    Reliance has best costumized dedicated and shared internet solutions for office usage, i am a employee of reliance communications you can reach me on +919620181786 / +919590064450 if you are looking for office connectivity solutions

    Irfan Shaikh

    Irfan on May 28th, 2010
  • 3

    I am a Canadian who makes regular visits to India. I have great trouble getting Internet connections as I am not a citizen. Do you know of any international link up that would give me access through a dongal or what that I can pourchase?

    Colin Blair on March 7th, 2014