
Last Updated: August 25, 2008  1,281 views

IIMA alumni is selling vegetables in Bihar

in: India,Marketing

MBA_sabziwala.jpgThis news completely amazed the big community of B school graduates in India. Kaushalendra is a 27 years old MBA graduate from IIM Ahmedabad. It is one of the prestigious B schools of world. He got exciting job offers after completing the MBA degree but he decided to hawk vegetables on the streets of Patna, capital of Bihar. He is famous in the Kankarbagh market as the “MBA sabziwalla”. He is not an ordinary vendor. He uses a self-developed handcraft for carrying vegetables. There is also a weighing machine attached to cart. There is cooling facility also available in the cart. He gives a brand name “Samridhi” – to his vegetables. His vegetable prices are lower than the normal prices in the market.

Actually he has dream to make Bihar India’s vegetable hub. Kaushalendra has already tied up with more than 250 vegetable farmers in villages of Bihar. He is now getting media attention. However he has still a big way to cover. After topping his class of IIM-A in 2007, he says he did extensive fieldwork to gauge the market, meet the local farmers and minutely study cultivation techniques before finely calibrating his unique business model. Only after he was convinced of the immense potential of his plan, did he apply for a bank loan of Rs 4 million to flag off his project. He has a dream to make Bihar a rich and prosperous state.

“I am here to do something. It was my childhood dream to contribute to the development of rural Bihar, I have opted to make vegetables the new brand of Bihar.”

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    Salute to such souls who are doing something for the motherland. It made me feel ashamed to be a bihari and not doing anything for my motherland. But i will do my effort, i will make by bihar the best in India.
    Its an ordeal and i have to win it.

    Jai Bihar

    Ashish on September 13th, 2008
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    very interesting news to all people who dreams…Ur dream can be anythin , all u need to do is chase ur Dreams….
    Life isnt just earning money or workin in AC rooms…
    Think Beyond…Think Differently….

    Sameer Bhaldar on January 5th, 2009
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    Doing any positive action is the need of the hour however big or small…if you do efforts GOD will judge on you so have no fears…

    Ritu Raj Kalra on April 16th, 2009
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    very courageous man!!!

    my best wishes …
    i will meet him this time i come to patna

    Abhinav on July 5th, 2009
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    I hope it is a true incident. If it is then atleast one product from one of the institutes of national importance has dared to do a thing of national importance and not abused the institute by treating it as a glorified placement agency. The institutes also on their part should concentrate on conditioning the students mind in an all round manner so that the students develop a broader perspective and not become merely money making machines instead.

    Devasish on October 30th, 2009
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    realy wonderful thinking about it. its not easy to take decision after geting top management degree.it is superb decision for all those who have realy dreamy man and stop their dreams under pressure ( family and friend). i want to meet with u not only meet, i want to contibute my self-efort on ur dreamy project.
    please contact at my given mail id.

    rajesh kumar on January 17th, 2010
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    I am really glad to see an IIM graduate take up such task and chase his dreams, more importantly contributing to the growth of the society. Hatsoff to Kaushalendra to venture something out of the ordinary and not becoming a slave to any MNC (what most of the IIM graduates do….). From the bottom of my heart I wish Kaushalendra all the very best for his future endeavours.

    Aditya Atluri on April 20th, 2010
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    Hi Kaushalendra,

    its indeed a great work as most of the biharis longe for such thing but they never dare to do.wishing you all the best in your endeavour and hope others follow your suit.

    Sunil Singh on August 9th, 2010
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    Dear it is nice to know that there is a very strong person thinking like me for the betterment of Bihar. I am an MCA and working in the greenhouse field right now as Karnataka Head for my company to accomplish the polyhouse establishment under national horticulture mission very soon I will join the same project in Bihar. I would like to meet you there since Bihar has to also witness huge and dramatic progress in the field of greenhouse cultivation. Also Its my luck that I have got some giants of this field.

    santosh jha on September 3rd, 2010
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    I am really glad to read this. Wish you all the best.
    Hi santosh
    I am in new York currently. My papa is planning to setup green house. He needs some suggestion. Though we all siblings well settled in life. My dad has passion for doing this. We are from nalanda district. Pl do mail me. Thanks.

    Shatrughan on February 5th, 2011
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    A man who gives positive energy as well as motives us to opt for what we desire, instead of player of rat-race……

    Thanks for being example for others…

    sushil teotia on February 6th, 2011
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    I will not only Bihar or U.P make a bright state but also to our other states, i want to make my country a developed and potential technological partner to other countries, i will make this country scam and corruption free.

    Sushil Teotia

    New Delhi

    Sushil Teotia on February 23rd, 2011
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    i also want to know and purchase your own developed advance vegetable carrier for my vegetable shop.

    shashibala kumari on April 8th, 2011
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    would you help me for my vegetable trade in muzafferpur by providing me your own developed a.c. thela.

    shashibala kumari on April 8th, 2011
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    Hi Kaushalendra
    Hatsoff to your tru, sincere & honest efforts for the betterment of bihar. You have proved yourself as a true bihari. Thks a lot and wish you all success in your efforts and life. Incidently I am also a Science College graduate(Phy. Hons in 1975). I will visit patna on 30March 2013 and it will be my great pleasure to meet you. Pl do post me on the above mail id your contact and other details. I would like to join your efforts and contribute whatever I could.

    S R Prasad on March 19th, 2013