
Last Updated: June 10, 2008  278 views

India has more job opportunities than USA

in: India

Indian_students.jpgThis week, Accenture has published a report on job opportunities in different parts of the world. According to the report, India has the more job opportunities than that in US, which is on second place. The report of accenture is based on a global survey of 286 graduating students in India and a total of 2,464 in eight countries including India, US, UK, Australia, Germany, Singapore, Mexico, China, Brazil, Russia and Thailand. Around 87 % of Indian students who are about to complete their college have already started job search whereas 51 % have already got a job.The benefits that Indian students seek from their employers (companies) are compensation/salary (82 %), interesting and challenging work (77 %), opportunity for global experience (63 %) and company brand name (59 %).

Engineering as well as computers and math are the top professions in India. However, Technology, Consulting, Electronics and High Tech companies are providing job opportunities in India with very high packages. The report also says that Indian students are more aspirational and career focused than most of their counterparts across the globe which is really a good sign for growth of Indian economy.

  • 1

    You would have done well to link to the original article. I was planning to make a blog post on binaryday about this.

    Binaryday on June 11th, 2008
  • 2

    Got to love outsourcing.

    But, India is developing very well too.

    The Small Biz. Guru on June 12th, 2008