
Last Updated: September 28, 2013  503 views

Sabse Bolo Sabeer Bhatia

in: India,Technology

image_sabbir_bhatia.jpgSo friends the Hotmail founder and www geek Sabeer Bhatia is back with a bang. He has started a conference calling solution with Yogesh Patel. Yes it is SabseBolo.com, through which Sabeer has once again shown his strong presence in dotcom world. Actually, Sabse Bolo is a conference calling solution through which you can have more than one called party listen to or participate in the call. It is absolutely free and in order to use it all you have to do is register on this website. On this site starting a conference is very simple, just you and your participants should call +91-(0)22-3980-4444, enter the conference ID number followed by a # sign and then enter the 4 digit pin number followed by a # sign. Then you will be connected to the other participants and you can begin talking right away. You can have maximum of 10 participants including yourself in a Conference call. For this you need a telephone and rest everything is free. So enjoy this new year gift from Sabeer.