
Last Updated: August 8, 2015  2,058 views

Sachin Tendulkar First Interview and Old Images

in: India

These are some of the rare old Sachin Tendulkar images. After lots of search and research, I could be able to find all these images and interview. You can click on the image to enlarge. Please don’t forget to comment on this article.

Sachin’s First Interview ::

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    Sachin Tendulkar’s favorite actress is Madhuri Dixit

    yogesh on December 1st, 2012
  • 2

    You deserve to be commended for your efforts. Thank You for sharing these gems. Each, a timeless treasure. I am sure, Sachin, smiling to himself, will have taken a walk down memory lane.

    God Bless and best wishes for all that You endeavour in the future.

    Clarence J Mendonca on April 12th, 2017