
Last Updated: September 9, 2008  844 views

Smoking ban at public places in India

in: India

No-Smoking.jpgA bad news for cigarettes smokers in India. Government of India has decided to ban smoking in in all public places from 2nd October, Gandhi Jayanti. Now you can’t smoke in hotels, restaurants, offices, public gatherings etc. Moreover, if you get caught while smoking, then a fine of Rs 200 would be imposed. The health ministry has also plans to increase the fine to Rs 1000 after some time. Even if the employer will be fined if their employees are found smoking inside office premises. Smokers will also be fined for lighting up their cigarettes in even pubs, bars and discotheques. Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss is the brain behind all these new measures. He has already banned smoking in India movies.

I feel that the idea behind this ban is to discourage smoking by making it more inconvenient, and to stop harmful smoke being present in enclosed public spaces. According to WHO reports, in developed countries, 26% of male deaths and 9% of female deaths are due to smoking. So time has come to say no to Smoking.

  • 1

    Its really a good movement by Indian Government.If they maintain it,in a long term view it will surely help the younger generation.
    But today too i saw many of them smoking in private places.Even i saw two policeman smoking in public place.They should not do like this.Lets see how much days this ban stays..

    srivats on October 2nd, 2008
  • 2

    sounds like a bad news for everyone in India. why are Indians so eager to submit to regulations and impositions from government but never question the plight of government hospitals or messy roads and traffic. i wonder will there ever be a time in India when people realize democracy means governing ourselves not by one dickhead sitting in delhi

    raj on October 4th, 2008
  • 3

    great step by government of India.

    Anupam on November 27th, 2008
  • 4

    I am Vincent Nazareth, Chairman, Crusade Against Tobacco – a branch of
    the Neil Charitable Trust, Mumbai (9821161752).

    I find that many of the people who are habitually chewers of tobacco
    do not see the warning.

    What is important is that the newcomers to tobacco i.e. the children
    should not take tobacco.

    But it is verysad that many children are having tobacco i.e schoo,
    children – both bos and girls are smoking, chewing tobacco, hookah
    (which is the new fashion) of today.

    I had met about 10 MPs last month and through them letters were
    written to the Prime Minister, and the Hon’ble Education Minister that
    a chapter of tobacco should be added in the school curriculum right
    from the 6th standard till the 10th standard and even upto the college
    level alongwith photographs of what happens to people who consume

    I would like to bring to your notice that when I show school children
    photographs of what happens to people who consume tobacco they put
    their heads down and they also tell me that it is the first time that
    they are seeing photographs of what happens to people who consume

    I would like to mention that oene of the Principals of the Kendraya
    Vidyala, Mumbai of whom Mr Sibal, the HRD Minister since she had
    written a letter to the Prime Minister, she has been asked to give an
    explanation and I think a memo has also bee issued to her. I think so
    the Press should take up the issue withthe Hon’ble HRD Minister.

    I would also like to mention here that vendors all over India are
    selling tobacco related products to children below the age of 18 years
    even though they should not do so.

    I would also like to mention that drug peddlers are roaming round the
    vicinity of the school/colleges.

    The photograph which appeared in the article The National June 08.
    2009 1:47AM UAE is a friend of mine who alongwith me punished the
    person for smoking in a public place.

    I think purposelly in the Tobacco Act, any person who violates the
    Act, has to pay only Rs.200/-. Students have written to the Hon’ble
    Minister (Health)< New Delhi through their letters forwarded through
    the MP that any vendor caught selling tobacco related products to any
    child below the age of 18 years should be made a cognizable offence.
    I am awaiting their reply.


    (Vincent Nazareth)
    Crusade Against Tobacco – a branch of the Neil Charitable Trust

    Received World Health Organisation in the year 2004

    vincent on January 2nd, 2010