
Last Updated: May 31, 2011  514 views

Who is Raghu Ram?

in: India

Raghu-Ram He is the media person and reality show producer who glamorized the use of abusive words and foul language on national television. He never hesitates using extremely obscene language on television or any public function. We know him as the bad and bald guy on MTV, who host reality shows Roadies, grilling the contestants, using almost all the abusive words and bringing more and more excitement and controversy to the shows for it young viewers.  Yes, your guess is right. I am talking about Raghu Ram, the executive producer of India’s most popular reality show, Roadies.

He did his schooling from Delhi Tamil Education association Senior Secondary School, R.K. Puram, Delhi. Then he attended the University of Delhi. In the first year, he along with his brother was studying at Delhi University’s Deshbandhu College, but in the second year, they joined its Sri Venkateswara College. They dropped out of the college because of poor academic results in the third year. So you would be surprised to know that he is not even a graduate.

Recently he was targeted by ABVP members in Pune when their activists blackened his face with ink, protesting his “obscene onscreen behavior.”. He however denied anything of the sort, claiming that they only threw black ink on his vehicle.

The people who know Raghu and Rajeev (his brother) personally, agree unanimously that both of them are extremely soft, humble and sincere in their real life. He uses his aggression to test a person in the show. To see how he or she will react under pressure. Also, many people come for the auditions trying to be who they think we want them to be. So he sometimes get aggressive to see if the nice guy act is real. He always try his best to watch and analyze their reactions very closely to bring out their character and see if they are right candidates for the show or not.

About Roadies ::

MTV Roadies is a youth-based popular reality television show on MTV India. Its participants who are selected after a rigorous selection procedure are called Roadies. Roadies are provided with Hero Honda Karizma bikes to travel on a pre-decided route. Each episode features a vote-out at the end in which the Roadies eliminate one of their fellow Roadies by an anonymous vote, thereby decreasing the number of Roadies carrying on with the journey.

However there are some episodes in which Roadies can get immunity and hence can not be voted out. Each episode consists of number of tasks or challenges which the Roadies have to perform. These can be either "Money tasks" or "Immunity tasks". By successfully completing the "Money tasks", the Roadies add cash to their account while in "Immunity tasks", the team or roadie which wins gets Immunity. Such a team or roadie is safe from vote-out i.e its members cannot be voted-out in that particular episode. The tasks are either team-based or individual-based. The Roadie who survives till the end is declared the winner and walks away with the total cash accumulated by performing the money tasks.