
Last Updated: September 28, 2012  229 views

Firefox is the best web browser

in: Internet

firefox.jpgWhy we need Firefox ? With windows xp or Vista, we have Internet Explorer and with Macintosh we have Safari. They why we need Firefox, a third party software for browsing internet. It is the fastest browser, when you compare with IE 7 and safari. It has a big number of new and improved features which make it better than IE, Opera and safari. Let’s start the experiment, just type any word or phrase into the address bar, your firefox browser will automatically search your history and bookmarks for all possible matches. This will save your typing time. It includes tabbed browsing, spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, download manager, and an integrated search system that uses the user’s desired search engine. You can also enhance the functionality of Firefox with the help of around 2,000 add-ons created by third-party developers. Some of these add-ons are NoScript (script blocker), FoxyTunes (controls music players), Adblock Plus (ad blocker), StumbleUpon (website discovery), DownThemAll! (download functions) and Web Developer (web tools).

To make any Web URL favorite, you have to click a star icon at the right, which comes with every URL you open in firefox. You can also create bookmark folders, which gather your most visited sites, or most recently bookmarked sites, automatically into folders. You can also use tags while bookmarking the websites. Security features of Firefox 3.0 is also better than its competitor browsers. It warns you about sites which can harm your computer by installing viruses, spyware and other malicious software on your computer, no other browser comes with such warnings.

Moreover, it also provides details about who owns the site you’re visiting, and whether it’s encrypted, its security certificate details etc. It uses a sandbox security model and limits scripts from accessing data from other web sites based on the same origin policy. It has SSL/TLS to protect communications with web servers using strong cryptography when using the https protocol. It also provides support for web applications to use smartcards for authentication purposes. So friends, if you not using Firefox, then I will recommend you to download it and try it once. I am damn sure, you will start loving it.

  • 1

    how can i incrase the airtel gprs speed on the computer…plzzz give me some idea..

    jal on June 8th, 2008
  • 2

    Within six weeks since Firefox 3 was launched, it seems that Mozilla is giving IE a tough time. Microsoft market share is showing a downfall while Mozilla is growing strong day by day. A field where Microsoft had dominated for years, the 100% open source Firefox has surely taken away some of the glory. IE’s shares have dropped from 74 % to 71% while Firefox is up from 18% to 19.3%. In fact looking at today’s stats, IE stands at 67% while Firefox 2 and 3 combined together have a market share of 20.70%.With the all new Firefox 3, Firefox has added 2.84 percent to its market share while IE has lost close to 4.25 points within the same time frame.

    Neha on August 2nd, 2008