
Last Updated: August 8, 2015  235 views

How to create a website for free?

in: Internet

I often see people talking that making website is a difficult job and also it demands huge investement. But through this article I will suggest some plans and free resources that are available on internet through which anyone can make one’s website without investing a single penny. You can get both free domain name and free web space on internet. If you want to run your personal website then free domain name and free web space is the best option for you.

After the evolution of web 2.0 there are enormous websites which provide you their server and subdomain to run your personal web pages in the form of blog usually. You might be familiar with those sites. Some of them are blogger.com, wordpress.com, yahoo 360, google pages etc. Most Blogs are created online through these simple free web based publishing programs.

There are lots of free platforms available online for blogging, well known ones are Word Press, Live Journal, Blogger, Yahoo 360 and My Space.

Blogger is one of the most popular and easiest to use Blog Publishers. The site recently went through a major redevelopment and is now even easier to use.
Word Press
Word Press is a little different in that you host it on your own server. Many businesses and Professional Bloggers use WordPress.
My Space
My Space was originally popular with younger web users, the biggest activity on my space is collecting cyber-friends. However many people also use it’s inbuilt blogging feature. My space is great for adding video or sound content.
Yahoo 360
Yahoo also offer a blogging platform with thier Yahoo 360. One of it’s disadvantages to other blog publishers is it can not be greatly modified.
Live Journal
Live Journal is popular because it allows you to make a differentiation between posts that just your familty and friends recieve and those which everyone can read. In general Live Journal tends to be a bit more ’emotional’ in tone. Posters often note their mood and feelings with each post.

Here are few sites that are also helpful for blogging.

Technorati is an internet search engine specifically for bloggers. As they point out – there are 55 millions blogs onlines – some of them have to be good.
Blogpulse allows you to measure a blogs popularity. It shows how often someone posts and how many people linkl into their site.

But if you want to make your own site using any web-design tool like ms front-page or macromedia dreamweaver then you will need free web-hosting. I have tested almost every free hosting available on internet. Finally I concluded that there are three hosting which are best in context of free web hosting. They are

All these above-mentioned hosting provides free database and php script support. Generally free hosting sites provide you subdomain name like yourname.sitename.com But it is quite difficult to remember such large names. So you should then go for url redirection. There are many sites which provide this facility for free like freedomain.co.nr or shorturl.com
However if you have a registered domain name from a valid registrar then you can go for awardspace.com for free web-hosting.

I will update this article and add more information so keep reading…. take care…

  • 1

    hey thanks for sending mail address n pwd and also for this recent post..but it doesn’t answer my que, as none of these sites provides a free domain as urs…like..”name.com”. awardspace does provides it but requires registration fee.

    shikha on March 11th, 2007
  • 2

    Did you purchase ur domain name or got it free?

    shikha on March 11th, 2007
  • 3

    yeah if you want domain name like name.com then you have to register it from any valid registrar……… then you can use the free hosting of awardspace.com but the amount for domain registration is very less (I paid only Rs 349 /- for abhisays.com)and if you want full control over your domain name then this is the best option available………

    abhishek on March 11th, 2007
  • 4

    You are The Best!!!

    Terabanitoss on May 9th, 2007
  • 5

    […] However I have tried blogger.com for creating my first blog on internet. But I never liked to use free services like blogger, windows live, wordpress.com etc. The main problem with these free blog service […]

    First Anniversary of abhisays.com–Abhishek Kumar on March 2nd, 2008
  • 6

    i want to make this website and this website should be open by only me but any one can join this website for free……..

    karanjeet on February 16th, 2010