
Last Updated: September 30, 2014  3,356 views

India’s top Fake News and Satire Websites

in: Internet

News satire means a fake news which is used to describe parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism. News satire has been around almost as long as journalism itself, but it is more popular on the internet. As you can very well understand that it is quite easy to mimic a credible news source and stories may achieve wide distribution from nearly any site. News satire has been posted on the web almost since its inception and The Onion is market leader in this segment. It was started in 1996. Due to huge popularity and successful business model, it has become virtually synonymous with online satire; its content is syndicated through mainstream media sites such as CNN and CNET.

Today there are hundreds of news satire sites online. I have compiled a list of some of the most popular satire websites of India.

Let’s enter the world of fake news and satire. It’s a place where fact checking isn’t needed and things like journalistic ethics and standards, objectivity, and values are simply discouraged.

faking news

Faking News is the leading Indian news satire and humor website. It contains cutting edge satire on political and social scenario of India. The website publishes fake news reports with incisive sarcasm, satire and humor.

unreal times

The UnReal Times is a news satire website that publishes fictional news reports, articles and multimedia content with the intention of providing readers with clean and sensible humour.

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

‘The Secret Journal of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’  is a popular parody blog that tore into people in the news – politicians, actors, journalists, other stock market players, anyone – with biting sarcasm. It is edited and maintained by  26-year-old Aditya Mangal. This blog gets 30,000 unique visitors a month.

News That Matters Not (NTMN) is a news satire, social commentary and general humour website. It has taken news satire beyond fake news, created value by providing a popular writing platform for the youth in India.

http://mindry.in is also a good satire website.

Some other fake news or satire websites are ::

The list is incomplete, if you know about any other Indian fake news or satire website , please do let me know so that I update this list.

  • 1

    fakenewsindia Not just another satire site check it out

    fakenewsindia on September 12th, 2012
  • 2

    You can also consider http://www.theindiasatire.com

    Sachin Saurabh on June 11th, 2013
  • 3

    Another site coming up with great Indian Fake news and satire is http://www.dailyhumour.in These guys are funny and have a great sense of humour.

    Anon on December 16th, 2014
  • 4

    This is a satire website in which robots, based on AI, are confused by the world of humans, and they write their viewpoint of the human world, which is satire. It even has cartoons (disclaimer: I am associated with this website)

    Nimish Kothare on January 14th, 2020
  • 5

    How can you forget The Faking Times @fakingtimes.com.

    Any list is incomplete without it.

    Jagga on June 8th, 2020
  • 6

    Most of the websites that you have mentioned above are now closed. Currently, http://thehindu.me is the best website.

    Gaurav on November 8th, 2020