
Last Updated: August 8, 2015  971 views

Krishna Bharat :: The man who created Google news

in: Internet

krishna-Bharat.jpgToday I will tell you about the creator of Google news. So the man who invented Google news is an Indian. His name is Krishna Bharat. Krishna is basically from Bangalore. He completed his schooling from St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School in Bangalore, and received an undergraduate degree in computer science from IIT Madras. After completing the computer science degree at IIT, he did Ph.D from Georgia Tech in Human Computer Interaction. Before joining Google in 1999, he worked at the DEC Systems Research Center where, with George Mihaila, he developed the Hilltop algorithm. Krishna is the creator of Google News. Actually in 2003, he developed an algorithm which can automatically index about 4500 news websites around the world and provide a summary of the News resources. This algorithm is the base of all the major functionalities of Google news.

For this innovation, he won the 2003 Webby Award in the news category. Moreover, he received the 2003 World Technology Award for Media & Journalism. Now a days, Krishna is the acting head of Google’s new R&D Center in Bangalore India. His designation is Principal Scientist at Google Inc. He works in the area of user interface and algorithmic support for Web search and content analysis.

Let’s see his interview where he talks about the growing web trends and search engine optimization, etc

  • 1

    informative video besides the sound quality isn’t that good. Anyways, its always a honor to see more Indians Ruling the Technological world.

    ramaraobobby on March 21st, 2009