
Last Updated: October 8, 2010  3,582 views

World’s Biggest Facebook Like Button

in: Internet

Facebook page has become one of the most important tools for Internet marketers. We can use Facebook page to gain new clients for our products, stay in touch with current clients. Facebook page can be very helpful in creating buzz about your business, thanks to 500 million Facebook users. And if you are running a website or blog, it’s always a good idea to show facebook like button, like box, live stream etc. Taking this discussion to an extreme, I have created “World’s largest” like button. Let’s have a look.


World’s largest like Button:

  • 1

    I don’t think it is too large.. How can you claim it to be the world’s largest facbook like button.

    Stephen on October 8th, 2010
  • 2

    Hi Stephen,

    Click on the image below “World’s largest like Button:”
    at the bottom of the post.

    Abhishek on October 8th, 2010
  • 3

    Ohh.. yeah got it.. really it is very large.. no doubt about that… good innovation.

    Stephen on October 8th, 2010
  • 4


    aminarrows on December 23rd, 2010
  • 5

    Dear Abhisays! I like (!) your button. May I use it on my poster that will promote a FB profile of our Universtity?
    Best regards

    VooVeek on March 27th, 2011