
Last Updated: April 25, 2012  663 views

Why do Hindus celebrate Akshaya Tritiya?

in: Lifestyle

Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej is an auspicious day, which is believed to bring good luck and success, for followers of Hinduism and Jainism. Every year, it falls on the third Tithi (Lunar day) of Bright Half (Shukla Paksha) of the pan-Indian month of Vaishakha. On this day, people celebrate birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Also, it was the day of Akshaya Tritiya when Veda Vyas and Lord Ganesha started writing Mahabharata. “Akshaya” means something that never diminishes. It is believed that if you do charity on this day you will be blessed, also this day is considered auspicious for starting new ventures and buying gold.

Any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya continues to grow and bring prosperity. Hence, new ventures, like starting a business, construction etc. is initiated on Akshaya Tritiya. Usually on this day Hindus take dip in holy water, organize prayer, offer barley in a sacred fire, buy gold, start new ventures, worship Lord Ganesha, Devi Lakshmi and do charity.


Religious significance of Akshaya Tritiya ::

On this auspicious day, many big historical events happened. I have compiled a list of those events. Please have a look.

  • As already mentioned, Lord Ganesha alongwith Veda Vyas started writing the epic Mahabharata.
  • Goddess Annapoorna and Lord Parasurama were born on this day.
  • Kubera, the Lord of wealth and the god-king of the semi-divine Yakshas in Hindu mythology, received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property along with Goddess Lakshmi on this day, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
  • King Yudhisthira received the Akshaya pathram from Thirumanthurai temple on this day, which he used to serve food for all the needy in his Kingdom.
  • Kusela, a poor friend of Lord Krishna visited Him to greet Him after He became the King. With nothing to offer due to his poverty, Kusela took with him Poha (puffed rice) and offered it to his friend and never discussed his poverty though he intended to. But on his return he found that his hut was changed to a Palace.
  • It was on this day, Dushasana, Duryodhana’s younger brother unveiled Draupadi at the Royal Court of Hastinaapur where Lord Krishna protected her providing the ‘undiminishing’ veil.
  • Adi Shankara recited the Kanaka Dhara Stotr on this day for the sake of the poor couple at whose house he stopped for Bhiksha on the day and was offered the only available gooseberry in the house.