
Last Updated: September 28, 2013  859 views

How to send email to unlimited users at a time?

in: Marketing,Technology

bulkemail.jpgDo you know about the gmail policy of sending mails to large number of users at a time. Then never try to send emails to more than 500 recipients at a time. As Google will temporarily disable your account if you send a message to more than 500 recipients or if you send a large number of undeliverable messages. In the case if you are using a POP or IMAP client (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird or Apple Mail etc.), you may only send a message to 100 people at a time and if you access Gmail from the browser, you may not address an email message to more than 500 people at a time. So the best email service is doing like this, then there is no point in discussing others. Now the question arises that if a person is involved in online business then sending emails to unlimited persons at a time is very important part of the business. What is the solution ? Yeah, there is a solution. I have just seen a bulk email sender software while googling on internet. Atomic Mail Sender (AMS) is a stand-alone bulk mailer software program with built-in tracking facilities to design, send and monitor bulk personalized messages.

AMS is not only a secure direct mailer but it also comes with excellent mail Tracker. Once you are registered with the Mail Tracker service and the campaign name is created in AMS, our system starts monitoring the status of every email sent out under that email campaign name.

Salient features of Atomic Bulk Mail Sender ::

  • It has got its own internal SMTP server and delivers mail messages directly to email recipients without your ISP mailbox.
  • Using standard 56K modem or 64K ISDN connection you can send hundreds personal email messages.
  • With AMS, you can also control and compare the effectiveness of your email campaigns by monitoring who, from what country and when opens your email, clicks links or loads images. So, being integrated with Atomic Email Tracker (web-based newsletter monitoring system), the program can be set to create an invisible code and insert it into sent messages.
  • Atomic Mail Sender 4.2 is available for only $79.85. There is a speical offer going on. You can purchase a pack of Atomic Mail Sender + 1-year Email Tracker service for $149. Buying this package means that you are getting Atomic Mail Sender at $21 only.

Don’t put your gmail, yahoo, hotmail emails at stake while sending bulk mails. Better to use such bulk mail senders for secure business.

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    Plenty of freeware programs exist that do the same job as AMS. A problem with all these in-built SMTP mass-mailer programs is that – mail sent by them to domains where spam protection is aggressively enforced; bounces back.

    These domains work by checking if the IP address from the mail is coming from is the same as the registered IP address of the MX server for the domain.

    Some of the domain instead check if the IP address is from documented pools of IPs reserved for end-users of ISPs.

    I determined that almost 50% of the email addresses of the 6000 entries in my address-book would not accept mails sent via local SMTP.

    Rajib Ghosh on April 1st, 2008
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    I bought AMS but the problem is that it doesn’t send from my Computer, I gues my IP ( does not allow me to use AMS. I don’t know how to solve this problem. Please help me out as I need to send my monthly news letter and reminder to old customers.

    Thanks and waiting to receive your help.

    Robin Smith on June 2nd, 2008
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    Atomic Mail Sender SUCKS!!!

    Their support sucks and their company sucks.

    I am VERY experienced in newsletter sending for many years. Thought this little piece of uh.. “software” may save me some time on a smaller list < 10,000.

    I have configured many ways. I set up several smtp servers as well for load balancing. One HUGE problem is the fact that the from address is fixed and does not change to the smtp account the software is using to send from.

    WOW! You set up a default from address, set up multiple servers to send through and BAM you are going into the spam traps because AMS used the same from address, the default, instead of the from address you entered in the smtp server set up!

    WOW! What a piece of crap. When you contact support THEY DENY IT! Ask for your money back and they say hang on we are working on the problem, long enough to go past the refund date! Then they try to upsell you to other software! I asked them to send me an email FROM THEIR SOFTWARE to prove me wrong and they would not!!!

    DO NOT USE ATOMIC MAIL SENDER!!!! Use phplist it is free but, has no load balancing across servers so several installations are needed if your server is limited to 350 an hour. If you are on a dedicated server, phplist is the cats arse.

    Boatguy on May 5th, 2011