
Last Updated: March 12, 2016  17,718 views

Complete download Byomkesh Bakshi

in: Doordarshan,Movies

byomkesh.jpgBengal is famous for its literature, poets and rich culture. I am also a big fan of Bengali literature. I am damn sure you must have heard the names of Rabindranath Tagore, Arundhati Roy, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Nirad C. Chaudhuri, Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay, Taslima Nasrin etc. But I am not going to talk about these notable literary figures of Bengal. Have you heard the name of Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay ? I guess, the answer will be “No”. He is the author of “Byomkesh Bakshi”. Byomkesh Bakshi is a fictional Bengali detective created by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay in 1932. The character is inspired by Sherlock Holmes. However it is completely adapted to Bengali culture by the author. The stories were made into a popular television series (one of my favorites) by Basu Chatterjee featuring Rajit Kapoor as Byomkesh Bakshi. Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay wrote in total 33 stories of ‘Satyanweshi’ Byomkesh Bakshi.

“Saradindu Bandyopadhyay’s Byomkesh Bakshi mysteries heralded a new era in Bengali popular fiction. Set in the old-world Calcutta of the Raj, these stories featuring the astute investigator and his chronicler friend Ajit are still as gripping and delightful as when they first appeared.”

(from the cover page of “Byomkesh Bakshi” English translation)

Almost all the episodes of “Byomkesh Bakshi” are uploaded on YouTube. Search “Byomkesh Bakshi” there, you will get all the episodes.  If you know Bengali, then you can download these 33 stories from esnips. in pdf format.

  • 1

    Hi Abhi,

    This was one of my fav shows on dd when I was growing up.

    Thank you for reminding me

    Vinay on April 7th, 2008
  • 2

    hi dude,
    I remembered my school days when i watch it at night after finish my homework.
    hey can anyone give me link to read byomkesh’s novel on net in english……..?

    prateek on May 18th, 2008
  • 3

    hey Abhi,
    yaar, it was one of the most loved sereals. I wil surely download the video of the same.

    Saurabh Gambhir on August 8th, 2008
  • 4

    I tried opening but am not able to open it…..

    Roma on August 26th, 2008
  • 5

    most loved serial of all time… tnx

    uday on September 17th, 2008
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    hemang on October 2nd, 2008
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    sir mujhe byomkesh bakshi t v serial ki dvd ya vcd chahiye
    Pawan kumar dubey

    pawankumar dubey on March 3rd, 2009
  • 8

    i m a big fan of Byomkesh Series…
    i want one episode in which killer kills by injecting pen’s nib which contains snake poison…
    i dnt remember d name of d8 episode..
    can ne1 tell me d name of episode????

    Major on March 12th, 2009
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    the name of the ep no 8 is BHOOT MUNAGIR

    reynold on March 14th, 2009
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    i am also a gr8 fan of this television series. i still remembes as a kid the day when i was so afraid after seeing the episode “bhoot”.
    “aami ae serial ke khub dekhechi”
    thank u for making me remember my childhood days.

    soumyashree on April 28th, 2009
  • 11

    Could anyone help me download byomkesh bakshi novels?

    sandip on May 15th, 2009
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    I like this serial.

    Sandeep Modi on August 16th, 2009
  • 13

    i like this serial very much because this seril is such as horrible or great.both byomkesh & ajit perform in this serial fabulus & fantastic.iam watching this serial from my childhood.wheni come from school and first i open my tv to watch this serial.i watch this very interstingly.iwould like to thanks of the maker of byomkesh bakshi satanweshi

    raman jag mohan on September 15th, 2009
  • 14

    I am looking for the ebook version of Byomkesh Stories that were translated in English.

    Can anyone help?

    indigene on October 22nd, 2009
  • 15

    hai can any one please hlep me to downlode all the episodes of byomkesh bakshi. It is as fresh as today. Not only me all of my friends are very big fan of this serial.

    siva on December 10th, 2009
  • 16

    I’m also one of the great fan of ” Byomkesh Bakshi ” Serial I searched & downloaded about 25 episodes. As there are 54 episodes, can any one pls post link for all the episodes of it.
    I’m eagerly waiting for the same…

    ganesh on March 9th, 2010
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    i m also a very big fan of Byomkesh Series…

    Harvinder Singh on May 10th, 2010
  • 18

    I am really fond of byomkesh bakshi. Had thought of downloading the videos and finally I am. Also thanks to the link pasted on this page.

    Divyesh on August 18th, 2010
  • 19

    Can you please share the episodes.

    Anonymous on November 7th, 2011
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    this is mu humble request please upload aarohan serial

    madhvi on September 26th, 2016