
Last Updated: August 8, 2015  1,226 views

Hello one night at call center

in: Movies

hello_one_night_at_call_center.jpgDo you know about “one night at call center” ? No, then let me tell you, it is an English novel written by Chetan Bhagat. Chetan Bhagat is an IIT graduate, working in Goldman Sachs. This is his second novel after “5 point someone”. He is regarded as the best selling Indian novelist of modern times. The story of “one night at call center” revolves around a group of six call center employees working in Connexions call center in Gurgaon and are striving to seek a better life.  The novel is full of drama with pleasant and unpleasant things happening to all the 6 leading characters. Ultimately, they get a phone call from God which changes their life. You will find in this novel many aspects of modern life in India like anger of lost love, thwarted ambitions, lack of family affection, pressures of a family, and the work environment in a call center. It is a very interesting tale of Urban India nights and believe me once you start this novel, you will definitely complete it in single sitting.

Now come to the point. Read the title of the post. Don’t you find it amazing ? What is the meaning of “Hello one night at call center” ? Actually “Hello” is the name of the coming Bollywood movie based on this novel. So “Hello” is based on the events that happen one night at a call center. Shyam, the main character of the movie or novel is a call center employee. He is on the verge of losing his girl friend, Priyanka, who is going to marry an NRI working in Dell. Another character Esha, who is hoping for the break as a model. Radhika, who is a housewife is not happy with her family life. Military Uncle has been barred from meeting his grandchild. Bakshi is the big boss, the manager of the company. Suddenly there is twist in the story when these call center workers receive a call from God. To find out what happen next, you have to either read the novel or watch the movie. In the movie, these six main characters are played by Sharman Joshi, Amrita Arora, Ishaa Koppikar, Gul Panag, Sohail Khan and Sharad Saxena

  • 1

    Its just an amazing play

    Saper Winnipeg on May 10th, 2008
  • 2

    ‘Call from God’ in a call center sounds nice! Really the brief information about the novel ‘Hello one night at call center’ is inspiring one. I will surely go through this great novel. And after reading this I will share more the points on this blog. When this movie ‘Hello’ is coming on box office, let me know. I will surely find out what happen next either by reading the novel or watching the movie.

    India’s one and only end to end CISCO based IP network.

    Vaibhav on May 16th, 2008
  • 3

    Hi there, this is my first visit. Found your site from BlogCatalog.com via Google: while searching for Call Centers.

    So anyway, I wasn’t going to comment until after reading the description of this book. Thanks for turning me on to this author.

    Robert MacEwan on May 31st, 2008
  • 4

    Great Job
    interesting topic , I would like to read more on this topic

    webmaster on June 28th, 2008
  • 5

    basically a major and well told instructive real life story to heed

    Saper Autopac on July 6th, 2008
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    Do yourself a favor, skip this movie an watch: Call Center employees generally do not break out into song and dance when trouble ensues. Chetan Bhagat is overrated and his books are mediocre at best.

    Citizen Journalist on October 10th, 2008