
Last Updated: February 20, 2009  2,191 views

Is Freida Pinto married?

in: Movies

Frieda-Rohan.jpgSo the latest reports say that Freida Pinto is married. This Slumdog Millionaire star has a secret husband whose name is Rohan Antao. However reports also claimed that after the great success of Slumdog Millionaire, she had separated from her fiance. Actually, the couple married in Goa in December 2007 and Pinto kept the wedding secret because in film industry there is very less scope for married girls. One of her friends said, “Freida and Rohan fell in love at college and were extremely close. They were great together. The marriage was an impulsive decision. ”

Now it seems like stardom has got inside Freida’s brain. What I feel that Slumdog Millionaire have made Dev Patel and Freida Pinto global stars overnight so now it is very difficult for Frieda to maintain such relationship as it may affect her career in film industry. Rohan is completely shocked at being dumped and is heartbroken. He helped Freida reach where she is today, and look at what she has done to him. He helped her where she was not famous and rich. Now she has forgotten him. Someone who comes to your aid when you’re in difficulty and you forget him when you become successful. This is not justice. I would like to advise Frieda to re-think on her past relationship.

Proof of their old relationship ::



  • 1

    Freida looks awesome! She’s not married yet but only engaged I guess.

    Read 2 Know on February 23rd, 2009