
Last Updated: September 27, 2012  277 views

Rahul Gandhi vs Varun Gandhi

in: Politics

Both the brothers are busy in the election campaign for UP assembly elections. The result of this election will definitely has some impact on the future of these two brothers. But UP election is not point of my discussion. Today, I just want to compare Rahul and Varun on the basis of their style of delivering speeches.

Rahul Gandhi in Parliament on Lokpal, 26th August 2011 (11 likes, 44 dislikes at the time posting this article) ::

Varun Gandhi’s Speech in Parliament on Lokpal (173 likes, 8 dislikes at the time of posting)

If you watch these videos carefully, you will realize that Varun is way ahead of Rahul in his style, mannerism and communication skills. Rahul Gandhi read a prepared text, word to word for fifteen minutes, where as Varun Gandhi spoke extempore. This created a huge difference. Clearly, Varun Gandhi feels the pulse of the nation whereas his poor cousin does not. There is a vast difference in their thinking, reasoning and understanding.

What’s your opinion on this comparison?