
Last Updated: September 27, 2012  197 views

Mozilla launches Firefox Mobile Browser for Nokia N900

in: Technology

Nokia and MozillaAs people are shifting from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox or Safari internet browser, there is also new development taking place for mobile browsers. In last few years Microsoft powered Internet Explorer (Popularly known as IE) has lost the ground on retaining its users as other browsers like Firefox and Safari are providing totally new experience of Internet browsing with many add-ons and in built plug-ins. Firefox is one of the biggest players in the desktop internet browsing space, but when it comes to browsing the web from a mobile, Mozilla is still to make a leap. And that will be going to change soon, as the first version of Firefox Mobile (previously known by its codename Fennec) is going to be released by the end of 2009.

Nokia’s new N900 is going to be the first phone where Firefox Mobile will be the web browser. The N900, which was launched few days back runs on the Linux -based Maemo operating system, and comes with a lightweight browser based on Mozilla’s Gecko layout engine. Firefox has already released a Beta version of Firefox Mobile which the users can download by visiting Mozilla.com/m from their Nokia N900 mobile device. Nokia doesn’t plan on delivering the N900 with Firefox Mobile, but is open to include it in the next version of the Maemo OS.

Mozilla’s Vice President of Mobile Jay Sullivan announced that their goal is to have a release candidate next week. If things go smoothly, they will plan to have a final version out in the next few weeks. Firefox, for the mobile phone comes complete with all the favorite and familiar features that users enjoy on their desktop computers. More details on this product is available on Mozilla official website.