
Last Updated: September 28, 2013  145 views

Will Computer Mouse become extinct?

in: Technology

mouse.JPGIf you are using internet regularly or in software industry then just imagine how many times you click mouse in a day. Now you will not going to use mouse after 3-4 years. I am not joking. Today I will tell you one surprising news about this computer mouse. There is one leading research company which says the days of the computer mouse are numbered. The mouse technology is likely to be replaced by touch screens and facial recognition devices. Even now we are not using mouse for home entertainment or working on a notebook.The name mouse originated at the Stanford Research Institute. This leading research company is Gartner.

It is an information technology research and advisory firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. Its clients include many large corporations and government agencies, as well as technology companies and the investment community. This prediction is driven by the rise of new technologies in consumer electronics with new interactive interfaces inspired by the world of gaming. According to the report, companies like Microsoft, Intel and Apple are promoting gestural interfaces for future use. They also found that consumer entertainment companies such as Sony, Panasonic and NEC are demonstrating applications using facial and movement recognition.

However, many computer manufacturers disagree that the computer mouse is reaching the end of its life. ‘The death of the mouse is greatly exaggerated,’ said Rory Dooley, from Logitech, the world’s biggest manufacturer of mice and keyboards. ‘The devices we use have been modified for our changing lifestyles but it doesn’t negate the value of the mouse,’ he concluded.

Very few people know about the reason behind the name “mouse”. Earlier mouse had a cord attached to the rear part of the device, which can be assumed as tail of common mouse.The first computer mouse was launched by Xerox 8010 Star Information System in 1981 for personal computers.

I also feel that it is very difficult to use computer system without a good mouse. Even I use mouse with my laptop also as the touch pad of the laptop is not as convenient as mouse.