
Last Updated: September 27, 2014  359 views

How I made the official website of my college?

in: Tips and Tricks

Till January 2007 the official website of our college MANIT was designed and maintained Infocrats pvt. solution ltd. It is a Indore based software company. At the start of new year our computer science department got the assignment of running and maintaining the college site. Also the deadline was decided to be 26th january, the republic day.

A webclub was formed consisting of 9 members under the guidance of teachers. The real problem on the time of starting the site was the control of domain name and configuration of web-server. Finally after a long government’s procedure we got the control panel of domain name manit.ac.in. Also we had only 4 days left for the inauguration of the new website, so we dropped the plan of configuring the local server situtated at the computer center building. We went for world class professional web hosting from a US based server. In the meanwhile, the designers of the webclub were busy in creating the template for the new site by using tools like dreamweaver. But their outcome was not up to the mark, their template was not attractive and also browser dependent. Also that template was not fit in my plans of providing my college with a super dynamic world class college portal. Then I suggested my team to go for some open-source technologies like joomla or phpnuke when I saw the site of NIT surathkal and IIT Kharagpur. We also consulted our one senior who is founder CEO of www.bollywoodsargam. com, he also suggested same idea. My friend Vibhash who is very experienced and professional in this field suggested me joomla and some college templates for it. Vibhash is the guy behind the famous technical blog Tech Tonic. Now it was decided to go for joomla, the free open source.

Joomla! is a free, realeased under the GNU General Public License, award winning, open source content management system written with PHP for publishing content on the world wide web and intranets using a MySQL database. Joomla! includes features such as page caching to improve performance, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization.

Finally we used joomla and the basic structure of site was created in just 2 days. And on the 26th january the site was inaugurated by our Director Dr. K. S. Pandey. In 24 hours e-mail addresses are provided to whole college. Still manit.ac.in is under construction. We are trying to implement the facilities like user login, download management system, forums, photo gallery, news, announcements, excellent search all build in to one single system.We will soon convert everything related to colleges online. We will also integrate the present MIS with the college website. In the later stages, we will also develop online registration system, college library management, TPO database and integrate them with the new website of the college. There will be online learning system in our website which is at present available in websites of IIM Bangalore and IIM Lucknow. I invite suggestions from all my readers to improve this site.

This is a snap of www.manit.ac.in

  • 1

    hey abhishek, I and my other classmates (ECE, final yr) didn’t get our mail addresses. Btw, it was a nice read.

    shikha on March 10th, 2007
  • 2

    Hey, I m shikha gupta, final yr, ECE student at MANIT. I saw our college website..that’s grt!! i wanna make some correction that our batch will be called 2007 batch, not 2003 as it is appearing there. Please make the correction.

    shikha on March 10th, 2007
  • 3

    plz give me inform. abt ashok leyland

    sagar on March 15th, 2007
  • 4

    Hay dude…nice to see finally u got ur col website done…congrats!
    Well there is no mention of the guy who actually told u to use joomla…lol

    Anyways nice to see that u started working, I have posted the comments about your blog in Indian Webmaster’s forum:)

    And how about that other project you were doin?

    vibhash on March 15th, 2007
  • 5

    Came onto this blog of yours entirely at random.

    Gr8 to hear that students like you have come up with initiatives such as these for the insti.


    -Vivek K.
    Batch of 2005.

    Vivek Kumar on May 14th, 2007
  • 6

    hey abhishek, I am from PES Bangalore and want to get some help on this web-design. I have mailed you my requirements. Please reply me…

    rohit das on June 16th, 2007
  • 7

    hi brother.. im also designing a college website implementing joomla! i need a little help if you can guide me… how did u managed departments? like putting into categories and section? then repeating the faculty ting in every dept.? how u made it possible..

    musa on July 21st, 2007
  • 8

    MANIT is a junk college

    asdf on December 16th, 2007
  • 9

    Hi boss..it was great to go through ur website..especially being a member of webclub at present…its nice to read that post in which u told abt how website was created..

    Arpit on March 9th, 2010
  • 10

    Hi Arpit.. great to see people from my college visiting this website.. anyways.. best of luck for your future..

    abhishek on March 9th, 2010
  • 11

    hi dude
    your information are very importent for me.

    Hitesh on August 20th, 2010
  • 12

    Sir plz give me a job sir

    K. Mamatha on January 24th, 2018