
Last Updated: May 9, 2022  483 views

How to make a proxy website?

in: Tips and Tricks

Proxy_Websites.jpgA proxy website allows the user to view blocked pages in schools, colleges and offices. Through the help of such proxy websites employees, students are able to access blocked sites mainly social networking, games, mail services, chatrooms, messenger, offensive material, internet pornography. Recently I read a wonderful article on proxy websites on binary day. According to Sita, one can easily create a proxy website, put in some advertisement with adsense, text links, affiliate banners and make good amount of money. He also mentioned three open source codes that can be used to create a good proxy site. I also did some searching and finally come up with these scripts which can be helpful for making a proxy website. Before this I would like to tell you five steps which you need to follow to start a successful proxy website.

  1. First of all purchase a good domain name. I would recommend that your website name should include the keyword “proxy”, so that the visitors will easily know that it is a proxy website. However if you don’t want to be caught by web filters used in schools, colleges and companies then avoid this keyword in your domain name.
  2. Get a good web hosting. You can try hostgator due to its great features and 99.99 % uptime guarantee.
  3. Add you website to proxy websites directories.
  4. Use Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher network, CPC affiliates, ebay and amazon affiliates, shopping ads for monetizing your proxy website.
  5. Bookmark your proxy website URL in social networking website like Digg, FaceBook, StumbleUpon, Reddit etc.

  • 1

    a single proxy does work but sooner or later any site with proxy keywords are banned by firewalls and hence your PROXY site too will be useless..
    use more than proxy to unblock site from schools and college like this site
    god bless

    amIT singh on July 1st, 2008
  • 2

    well, mr. amIT singh, I think if you know how to make a proxy site, you can build it as many times as you can. so even if your first proxy site is blocked, its not an issue.

    Jitendra on July 4th, 2008
  • 3

    hey, hostgator does not allow proxy sites 😀

    Hussein on September 12th, 2008
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    well if are aware of the features of most gateway and filter up on internet /VPN you must know there is a feature which blacklists website domain wise so once your domain is associated as a proxy site it shall be blocked by all the gateway (such blacklists are universally shared by all)
    so all in all my domain cannot be used again as proxy, buying new domain all the time is very stupid..i hope now you know the advantage of having a proxy list

    amIT singh on October 4th, 2009