
Last Updated: August 8, 2015  1,217 views

Pay ICICI credit card bills on time otherwise!

in: Tips and Tricks

icici_credit_cards.jpgCredit cards have become indispensable part of our day today life. You can find every time 3-4 credit card agents roaming around software companies in Bangalore. I also use ICICI credit card. I always pay credit card bills before time. Last month I couldn’t able to pay the bill on time. As a result they charged me late fee of Rs. 400 rupees, plus interest rate and additional service charges. Their interest charges are horrible. Do you want to see the total charges they have put for late payment then check this out.

. ICICI_credit_card.JPG

See how they charged money like anything. So I advice all ICICI credit card customers that always pay your bills on time otherwise you will have to pay a good amount of money in the form of late fine, interest charges and services taxes. I have decided to stop using ICICI credit card after this incident and already applied for new SBI credit card.

One more thing I would like to share about ICICI. They share your personal details with its sister concern ICICI Lombard insurance. Once you give an application for ICICI credit card, you will start getting calls from ICICI lombard people asking for insurance. This is completely against the privacy policies which ICICI bank always talk about.

If you have ever experienced such a situation with credit cards, then please share with us in the form of comments.

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    This had happened to me also.. but what i do in these occasions is drop a pre-dated cheque within the due date.. and call the customer care & say i had dropped the cheque on-time and there is a mistake with your clearance so why the hell should i pay the extra charges ???? When used this language they simply waive off the late payment fee plus the interest also.. also warn them saying u will close the card account.. and they will come to oblige and work on your terms.. SO keep the on toes or else they will suck all the blood & money you have..! Good Luck

    Abhishek Daaga on August 3rd, 2008
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    Mee too face the same problem.

    Lalith on September 24th, 2008
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    I have had a shocking experience recently. Though similar to what you write here I was shocked simply because this was the first time it happened to me. I have a question; Have you ever taken this up with the Bank authorities? Did that help? Would it be worth following these things up to the Bank Ombudsman level?

    Debiprasad Mishra on September 17th, 2009