
Last Updated: September 28, 2013  961 views

The Best Hair Loss treatment

in: Tips and Tricks

Remember the old day when you had a full head of hair? Now you hate to see the mirror because hairs are going or better say they are falling, hair line is receding, bald patches are developing on head. All these are nothing but the syndromes of one of the most discussed problems of human civilization, the Baldness. According to Wikipedia, “Baldness involves the state of lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or “male pattern baldness” that occurs in adult male humans and other species.” There are an estimated 45 million bald people in the United States alone, and an estimated 1.4 billion bald people in the world. This means, today, around 20 % of males (in the age group 25-40) are suffering from this problem. Unfortunately, there is no good medicine available in market for the treatment of Baldness. But there is one good thing related to baldness that it is quite easier to maintain remaining hair than it is to regrow.

Male hair loss pattern is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead, known as “receding hairline”. Receding hairlines are usually seen in males above the ages of 20 but can be seen as early as late teens as well. And once the hairline is lost, there is not a single natural way to get it back, I repeat not a single natural way. However you can go for hair weaving, wigs etc. But they are not natural treatments. There are hundreds of types of hair losses. I don’t want to go in their details. But let’s briefly see some of the main reasons of hair losses.

Normally hair loss occurs due to pollution and also sometimes due to heredity. For instance if the father is bald then there is high probability that son would be also bald (of course after a certain age, say 30 or 40). Also, if are leading a stressful life with huge work-load, tensions etc then you may have the problem of hair loss. Some medical experts also claim that if you are sexually very active then you may face hair loss problems. Whatever causes they are, losing hair can be stressful during a time when you are already concerned about appearance especially during the young age.

Do you know, Baldness treatments have been estimated to be a US $1 billion per year industry? Yet there is scarcity of good hair loss treatments. I am not any hair experts or something like that. But I know one solution that can really be proved as the best natural hair loss treatment. Hair falls when it becomes very thin. So to prevent the thinning of hairs and the receding hair line, go for complete head shave. You will say, what a fucking advice? But believe me it’s better to be a bald for 2-3 months than for lifetime. I will give you an example. Just shave some hair on your hand or any part of the body. You will observe after a few days, a very thick hair coming out. If this rule applies to other parts of the body, then it should also apply to your head.

In many South American and Asian countries, parents shave both male and female babies’ heads when they are born so that they can have thick hair afterwards. Once you’ve shaved, there’s no more need to comb or primp your hair. Do the Head-shave whenever you feel that excessive hairs are falling. First shave the head and then wait two weeks for it to grow a little, then go back and shave it again. It will help the hair grow thicker than earlier. Repeat the process of head-shaving for 4-6 times and then wait for your hair to grow and then go for any hair style where you can have short hairs. There is one example of good hair style where you can minimize the hair loss. The new Barack Obama Hair Style. If you have any doubt or concern, let me know, I will try to help you.

This article is not meant to provide health advice on hair loss, just I am sharing one of the methods to prevent hair loss because it has been proved highly beneficial to me.

  • 1

    Procerin is a two part system that includes an all-natural oral supplement and a topical treatment for the scalp.

    Best Treatment For A Receding Hairline on May 25th, 2009
  • 2

    Thanks for providing this information! as hair loss is one of the major problem for many. This really helps them.

    Pictures Of Procerin on July 13th, 2009
  • 3

    i dont know if shaving the babies hair will make them grow thicker hair in the future but its good to know.http://hairsurvival.blogspot.com

    jady on October 19th, 2009