
See the original photo of Sai Baba

in: India

Sai BabaSai Baba was an Indian guru and yogi from Shirdi, a place in Maharashtra. He was regarded as an incarnation of God. Some of his Hindu devotees believe that he was an incarnation of Shiva. However, many devotees believe that he was a Sadguru. There are many stories and eyewitness accounts of miracles he performed. He is a well-known figure in many parts of the world, but especially in India, where he is much revered. The meaning of Sai is “well learned” or “knowledgeable” whereas Baba means “father.

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Indian Railways to fill up 40000 vacancies

in: India

railway jobsIndian railways have come up with good news for the group C workers in the country. Indian Railways have lifted the freeze order, which was issued six months ago, on the process of recruitment of around 40,000 posts of Group C employees. So now there will be 40000 vacancies to be filled in the coming months, it will help in reducing the unemployment among the lower socio-economic class. As the unemployment is one of the major issues to deal with, there are various initiatives being taken by government these days and this step can be considered the first step to curb unemployement in India.

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Selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma Part 3

in: Art

This is the last part of the series Selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma. You can click on the image thumbnail to enlarge.

So you have seen some of the finest creations of the greatest artist of modern India. He gave the degrading profession of painting, a new life. Even today, his less expensive prints of his Hindu deities hung in every home. And don’t forget to post your comments and suggestions on these paintings.

Selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma Part 2

in: Art

This is part 2 of the series Selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma. You can click on the image thumbnail to enlarge.

Selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma Part 1

in: Art

These are some of the selected Paintings of Raja Ravi Varma. You can click on the image to enlarge.

How to book the cheapest flight tickets in india?

Now a days people prefer to travel by air. Air travel is fast and comfortable. It helps use to reduce travel time. Arrival of many private companies in aviation industry has made air travel more affordable in India. Kingfisher Airlines, IndiGo, Air India and Jet Airways are the most popular brands in domestic air travel market. They connect almost all the major cities of India and also operate in foreign countries. Today I am going to tell you an easy way to book the cheapest flight ticket in India. Finding cheap flights or airfares to fly is not a difficult task. Just you have to compare the prices offered by different travel sites. Let us take an example. Suppose you have to book a ticket for a round trip from Bangalore to Patna.

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Complete List of Mahatma Gandhi books

in: India

GandhiBesides being the greatest leader of 20th century, Mahatma Gandhi was a good writer and author of several books. He was editor of a newspaper called Harijan in Gujarati, Hindi and English, Indian Opinion while in South Africa and, Young India, in English, and Navajivan, a Gujarati monthly, on his return to India. In addition, he wrote many letters almost every day to individuals and newspapers. Gandhi also wrote his autobiography, An Autobiography of My Experiments with Truth, Satyagraha in South Africa about his struggle there, Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, a political pamphlet, and a paraphrase in Gujarati of John Ruskin’s Unto This Last. He also wrote extensively on vegetarianism, diet and health, rural reforms, Gita, religion, social reforms, etc. Gandhi usually wrote in Gujarati, though he also revised the Hindi and English translations of his books. Gandhi’s complete works were published by the government of India under the name “The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi” in the 1960s.

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Unto This Last :: A Guide to Social Economy

Unto this last

Today I got the chance to read “Unto This Last: A Paraphrase” by Mahatma Gandhi. Unto this last is a wonderful guide to Social Economy. If you want to enlighten yourself with the ideas and thoughts that changed the life of Gandhi then you must read this book. Unto This Last was originally written by John Ruskin. It was first published in December 1860 in the monthly journal Cornhill Magazine in four articles. In the beginning these articles were badly criticized. Even the publisher was forced to stop the publication after four months. In these four essays, John Ruskin has critically analyzed the shortfalls of Capitalist Economy and discussed the advantages of Socialist Economy. Unto This Last had a very significant impact on Mahatma Gandhi’s thinking and philosophy.

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Happy Diwali to all abhisays readers

in: India

DiwaliToday whole world is celebrating the festival of lights, Diwali. On this auspicious day, people light diyas, candles and lights to signify victory of good over the evil within an individual. Diya is actually a cotton string wicks inserted in small clay pots filled with oil. To celebrate Diwali, people wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks. In India, business communities start their financial year on Diwali and new account books are opened on this day. The basic reason behind Diwali is to celebrate the homecoming of Rama after a 14-year exile in the forest and his victory over Ravana.

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See the life in Pakistan

in: Humor

PakistanYesterday, I got some humorous snaps from Pakistan. These snaps beautifully picturise the life in Pakistan. Actually, Pakistan’s history has been characterized by periods of military rule and political instability so everything there is unstable and hoshposh. It is still a under-developed nation that faces problems of poverty, overpopulation and illiteracy. It is sixth most populous country in the world and has the second largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. This state has always been in political tensions, both internal and external. Its economy is trapped in vicious circle of debt. All these factors prevent Pakistan from sustainable development. Life of common people in Pakistan is miserable. By the way, see these snaps, you will really enjoy.

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