
Does beer make you fat?

girl-drinking-beer Many a people use “beer makes me fat” argument, when describing their favorite drink, or talking about how it is bad for health. Even I have been on receiving side of this argument hundreds of times. But is it really a truth, or just some excuse which has become a myth? Today we will discuss whether beer makes you fat or not. But first of all  let’s have a look at nutrient chart of beer.

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Digvijay Singh Controversial Quotes and Comments

digvijay singh Yesterday, Digvijay Singh called BJP as a party of "nachaniyon (dancers)", he also added that the party leaders violated the sanctity at the samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi and should apologize. "The way in which party leaders breached the sanctity of Rajghat by dancing there is condemnable. The party should tender an apology to people. Yeh nachaniyon ki party kab se ho gayi" (When did BJP become a party of dancers)"? he said. This is not first controversial comment by Digvijay Singh. Today I have come up with the big list of his controversial comments and quotes.

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What Swami Ramdev wants from Indian Government?

Swami Ramdev Without any doubt, Baba Ramdev is the most popular Baba of India. He has gained great popularity in recent years due to his teachings of Yoga and Pranayama. Now a days, you can find him always making entry on front page of newspapers for his peaceful stance against corruption. Though he has not any political ambitions but he is trying his best to reform social and political ambiguities apart from popularizing yoga and thus strengthen the country. He wants drastic changes in the governance policies of India.

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Who is Raghu Ram?

in: India

Raghu-Ram He is the media person and reality show producer who glamorized the use of abusive words and foul language on national television. He never hesitates using extremely obscene language on television or any public function. We know him as the bad and bald guy on MTV, who host reality shows Roadies, grilling the contestants, using almost all the abusive words and bringing more and more excitement and controversy to the shows for it young viewers.  Yes, your guess is right. I am talking about Raghu Ram, the executive producer of India’s most popular reality show, Roadies.

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iPhone 4 features, specifications and price in India

iphone-4-new The iPhone 4, the fourth generation of iPhone, and successor to the iPhone 3GS is now available in India. The iPhone 4 runs Apple’s iOS operating system, the same operating system as used on previous iPhones, the iPad, and the iPod Touch. The most important difference between the iPhone 4 and its predecessors is the new design, which incorporates an un-insulated stainless steel frame that acts as the device’s antenna. The internal components of the device are situated between two panels of chemically strengthened aluminosilicate glass. It has an Apple A4 processor and 512 MB of eDRAM, twice that of its predecessor and four times that of the original iPhone. The 16GB Apple iPhone 4’s price will be Rs 34,500, and, the 32GB version will retail for Rs 40,900.

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Barack Obama’s Car and its features

obama_car Recently Barack Obama’s new car ‘The Beast’ was in news when it got stuck as it tried to leave the US embassy in Dublin. The car is officially called ”Cadillac One”. It is built to precise and special specifications, underwent extreme testing and development, and also incorporates many of the top aspects of Cadillac’s ‘regular’ cars – such as signature design and hand-cut-and-sewn interiors. This is the most technologically advanced bulletproof vehicle in the world.

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Latest Amul Ads

in: India

Cartoon artist Bharat Dabholkar designs Amul ads which are basically topical ads, relating to day-to-day issues. Amul Ads are included in Guiness world record for the longest running ad campaign in the world. Despite encountering political pressure on several occasions, Amul Ads continue to include different social and political controversies in their campaigns. These are some of the latest Amul Ads. Enjoy!






























Life is beautiful !!!

in: India

Life is Beautiful The Hindu, dated 19th May, 2011, Thursday, speaks ‘Techie strangles daughter, hangs himself’. In a tragic incident, a 31-year-old software engineer, Santosh Sarade, who recently resigned from Infosys, murdered his two-year-old daughter and committed suicide yesterday. He was living with his parents and wife and daughter in an apartment at Koodlu on Hosur road. It describes the unfortunate ending of the journey, of a 31 years old software engineer, the last milestone being the suicide and cold blooded murder of his 2 years old daughter.

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What causes Obesity and Overweight?

fast-weight-lose Being overweight or having more body fat than is optimally healthy can never be a good sign for anyone. It is an open invitation to several harmful diseases. But now a days it is becoming very common due to modern lifestyles bad habits of eating junk food and drinking alcohol. You would be surprised to know that around 60 of Indian upper middle class is suffering from the problem of overweight. Globally, there are more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese.

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Typewriter :: Blast from the past

In 1976, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak got the idea for the 1976 Apple 1 from a typewriter. These days, everyone seems to be paying homage to this great machine. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter are buzzing with posts of typewriter lovers. Paying tribute to typewriter has became a hot topic. People are also sharing their nostalgic feelings, with experiences with typewriters.

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